Douglas County, Colorado Basics:

Douglas County Colorado - Government Site

Population: 298,417
Area: 840 square miles
County seat: Castle Rock
Area code(s) in use: 303
Time zone: MST
High school graduate or higher: 97.5%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 54.8%
Median household income: $101,108
Persons in poverty: 4.0%
Home ownership rate: 81.0%
Mean travel time to work: 27.3 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Arapahoe  Denver  El Paso  Elbert  Jefferson  Park  Teller  

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Our detail map of Douglas County shows the Douglas County, Colorado boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Douglas County, Colorado

  Airports     show all on map

Ambrosich Field Airport, Bowen Farms Number 1 Airport, Denver-Douglas Landing Strip, Douglas County Medical Heliport, Kelgun Airport, Kostroski Airport, Littleton-Sedalia Landing Area, Perry Park Airport, Reed Hollow Ranch Airport

  Arches     show all on map

Harmonica Arch

  Buildings     show all on map

AIRLIFE Denver, Big Lands Ranch Library, Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Station 151 Headquarters, Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Station 152, Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Station 153, Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Station 154, Castle Rock Fire and Rescue Department Station 155, Castle Rock Police Department, Children's Hospital Colorado Therapy Care Parker, Colorado State Patrol Castle Rock District Troop Office 1C, Douglas County Sheriff's Office - Administration, Douglas County Sheriff's Office - Civil, Douglas County Sheriff's Office - Crime, Douglas County Sheriff's Office - Records, Douglas County Sheriff's Office Highlands Ranch Substation, Franktown Fire Protection District Station 181, Franktown Fire Protection District Station 182, Franktown Fire Protection District Station 183, Franktown Fire Protection District Station 184, Jackson 105 Fire Department Station 141, Jackson 105 Fire Department Station 142, Jackson 105 Fire Department Station 143, Larkspur Fire Protection District Station 161, Larkspur Fire Protection District Station 162 Perry Park, Larkspur Fire Protection District Station 164 Bald Mountain, Littleton Fire Rescue Station 16, Littleton Fire Rescue Station 17, Littleton Fire Rescue Station 18, Lone Tree Police Department, Mountain Communities Fire Protection District Westcreek Station, Parker Police Department, Parker Recreation Center, Sky Ridge Medical Center Ambulance, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 34, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 36, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 39, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 40, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 41, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 43, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 44, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 45, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 46, South Metro Fire Rescue Authority Station 47, South Metro Fire Rescue Station 41 (historical), South Metro Fire Rescue Station 42 (historical), Valley Hope Rehabilitation Center Parker, West Douglas County Fire Protection District Station 131, West Douglas County Fire Protection District Station 132, West Douglas County Fire Protection District Station 133, West Douglas County Fire Protection District Station 134, West Metro Fire Rescue Station 15

  Canals     show all on map

Ahlmaaz Gove Ditch, Alderman Ditch, Arapahoe Canal, Benjamin Quick Ditch, Curtis Ditch, Dakan Ditch, East Plum Creek Ditch, Fazzio Ditch, Goodrich Ditch, Heiser Ditch, Highline Canal, John Jones Ditch, Kountz Ditch, McCracken Ditch, Meadow Ditch, Platte Canyon Ditch, Pleasant Park Ditch, Ratcliff Plum Creek Ditch

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Cedar Hill Cemetery, Fonder Cemetery, Franktown Cemetery, Glen Grove Cemetery, Parker Cemetery, Spring Valley Cemetery

  Census     show all on map

Acres Green Census Designated Place, Beverly Hills Census Designated Place, Burning Tree Ranch Census Designated Place, Carriage Club Census Designated Place (historical), Castle Pines Village Census Designated Place, Cottonwood Census Designated Place, Country Acres Census Designated Place, Franktown Census Designated Place, Grand View Estates Census Designated Place, Happy Canyon Census Designated Place, Heritage Hills Census Designated Place (historical), Hidden Village Census Designated Place, Highlands Ranch Census Designated Place, Louviers Census Designated Place, McArthur Ranch Census Designated Place, Meridian Census Designated Place, Monte Vista Estates Census Designated Place, Perry Park Census Designated Place, Pine Valley Census Designated Place, Ponderosa East Census Designated Place, Ponderosa Hills Census Designated Place, Roxborough Park Census Designated Place, Sedalia Census Designated Place, Shamballah-Ashrama Census Designated Place, Silver Heights Census Designated Place, Stonegate Census Designated Place, Surrey Ridge Census Designated Place, The Pinery Census Designated Place, Tomah Census Designated Place, Westcreek Census Designated Place, Windy Hills Census Designated Place

  Churches     show all on map

Bear Canyon Church, Brotherhood of the White Temple, Crossroads Community Church, Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church

  Cliffs     show all on map

Wildcat Point

  Craters     show all on map


  Crossings     show all on map

Exit 183, Exit 184, Exit 187, Exit 193, Exit 194, Exit 195

  Dams     show all on map

Allis Dam, Aurora-Rampart Dam, Baird Number 1 Dam, Cantrill Dam, Chatfield Dam, Cheesman Dam, Circle 2 Ranch Detention Dam Number 1, Franktown Parker FPA-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPA-2 Dam, Franktown Parker FPA-4 Dam, Franktown Parker FPA-5 Dam, Franktown Parker FPA-6 Dam, Franktown Parker FPE-7 Dam, Franktown Parker FPE-8 Dam, Franktown Parker FPLG-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPLG-2 Dam, Franktown Parker FPM-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPP-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPR-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPR-2 Dam, Franktown Parker FPS-1 Dam, Franktown Parker FPW-1 Dam, J O Hill Dam, Lambert Dam, Mann Dam, Nelson Dam, Old Castlewood Dam, Pinery Dam, Spring Gulch Dam, Stevens Number 2 and 3 Dam, Wakeman Dam, Waucondah Dam, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 11 Dam, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 7 Dam, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 8 Dam, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 9 Dam, West Creek Dam

  Flats     show all on map

Perry Park, Rainbow Falls Park, Roxborough Park, Watson Park

  Hospitals     show all on map

Children's Hospital Colorado at Parker Adventist Hospital, Columbine Hospital, Parker Adventist Children's Hospital Colorado Specialty Care, Parker Adventist Hospital, Sky Ridge Medical Center

  Islands     show all on map

The Island

  Locales     show all on map

Airport 320 Industrial Park, Arrowhead Golf Course, Aurora Filtration Plant, B B L B Ranch, Bear Mountain Ranch, Cabin Ridge Picnic Area, Camp Colorado, Chatfield Industrial Park, Cheese Ranch, Cherry School, Continental Divide Raceway, Crystal Springs Ranch, Deluna Ranch, Devils Head Campground, Devils Head Lookout, Disc Golf Course, Douglas County Industrial Park, E-B Ranch, Fletcher Ranch, Grandview Resort, Green Valley Ranch, Greenland Ranch, Happy Canyon Ranch, Highlands Ranch, Hy-Way Hereford Ranch, Indian Creek Campground, Indian Creek Guard Station, Lincoln Ranch, Lone Tree Golf Club, Lone Tree Town Center Shopping Center, Louviers Station, McArthur Ranch, Meridian Golf Club, Meridian International Business Center, Meridian Office Park, Orion Ranch, Parker Marketplace Shopping Center, Perry Park Ranch, Perry Park South Ranch, Pikes Peak Grange, Pineview Ranch, Pollock Ranch, Ponderosa Pine Campground, Quebe Village Shopping Center, Rock Springs Campground, Round-Up Ranch, Russellville, Sacred Heart Retreat House, Saddle String Ranch, Salisbury Equestrian Center, Scraggy View Picnic Area, Shady Brook Camp, Silver State Youth Camp, Spring Valley School, Sundance Ranch, Swank Cabin, Swayback Ranch, The Links at Highland Ranch Golf Course, The Promenade Shopping Center, Topaz Point Picnic Area, Virgins Bath Overlook, Waterton Substation, Willow Creek Ranch, Woodbine Ranch

  Mines     show all on map

Baldwin Pegmatite Mine, C and S Mine, California Lode Mine, Churchill Mine, Colorado Mineral Society Mine, Cramer Number Two Pegmatite Mine, Cramer Pegmatite Mine, Deer Creek Pit, Denver Pegmatite Mine, Devils Head Copper Mine, Devils Head Mine, Devils Head Topaz Mine, Diamond Clay Mine, Duke Pit, Fern Creek Mine, Franktown Pit, Glen Spielman Mine, Helmer Lime Quarry, Higginson Pit, Hillside Mine, Hogback Number Four Mine, Hogback Number Three Mine, Hogback Number Two Mine, Kassler Quarry, Leonard Mine, Little Anna Mine, Little Dry Creek Placers, Little Eagle Mine, Little Eddy Mine, Little Joe Mine, Little Quarry, Lone Pine Mine, Lost Dutchman Mine, M Y M Mine, Madis Mine, Miller Lode Number One, Newlin Gulch Mine, Orthite Number One Mine, Penley Number One Lease Mine, Perry Park Mine, Pine Creek Mine, Pre-mix Sand and Gravel Incorporated Quarry, Roxborough Park Mine, Rusty Pick Mine, Saddle Rock Ranch Mine, Shirley May Mine, Skeleton Number Two Mine, Slocum Mine, Spielman Mine, Sunset Group Mine, Three Musketeers Mine, Titan Pit, Ute Mine, Walker Pit, Watson Park Mine, Wildcat Mine

  Parks     show all on map

Altair Park, Bar Triple C Park, Challenger Regional Park, Chatfield State Park, Cheese Ranch Park, Cook Creek Park, Cottonwood Park East, Cottonwood Park West, Daniels Park, Eastridge Park, Falcon Park, Highland Heritage Regional Park, Lonesome Pine Park, McArthur Ranch Park, Northridge Park, O'Brien Memorial Park, Rock Park, Sand Creek Park, Springer Park, Sweetwater Park

  Pillars     show all on map

Bergen Rock

  Populated Places     show all on map

Acequia, Acres Green, Bayou Hills, Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, Blakeland, Burning Tree Ranch, Carriage Club, Castle Oaks, Castle Pines, Castle Pines North, Castle Pines Village, Castle Rock, Castlewood North, Cherry Creek Highlands, Clarke Farms, Cottonwood, Country Acres, Crestview, Deckers, Founders Village, Franktown, Gateway, Grand View Estates, Greenland, Happy Canyon, Happy Canyon Ranches, Heritage Hills, Hidden Vilage, Highlands Ranch, Hilltop, Homestead Hills, Inverness, Kellytown, Kistler Park, Larkspur, Lone Tree, Louviers, McArthur Ranch, Meridian, Monte Vista Estates, Moonridge, Nighthawk, Orsa, Park Meadows, Parker, Perry Park, Pine Nook, Pine Valley, Ponderosa East, Ponderosa Hills, Richlawn Hills, Roxborough, Roxborough Park, Saddlebrook, Sedalia, Shamballah-Ashrama, Silver Heights, Spruce, Sprucewood, Stonegate, Surrey Ridge, The Pinery, Tomah, Twin Cedars, Village Pines, Vista Pointe, Westcreek, Windy Hills

  Post Offices     show all on map

Castle Rock Post Office, Deckers Post Office (historical), Franktown Post Office, Highlands Ranch Post Office, Larkspur Post Office, Parker Post Office, Sedalia Post Office

  Ranges     show all on map

Rampart Range

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Allis Reservoir, Aurora-Rampart Reservoir, Baird Reservoir Number 1, Barney Bird Reservoir Number 1, Cantrill Reservoir, Chatfield Lake, Cheesman Lake, Circle 2 Ranch Reservoir Number 1, Franktown Parker FPA-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPA-2 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPA-4 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPA-5 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPA-6 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPE-7 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPE-8 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPLG-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPLG-2 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPM-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPP-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPR-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPR-2 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPS-1 Reservoir, Franktown Parker FPW-1 Reservoir, J O Hill Reservoir, Lambert Reservoir, Nelson Reservoir, Pinery Reservoir, Platte Canyon Reservoir, Rueter-Hess Reservoir, Spring Gulch Reservoir, Stevens Reservoir Number 2 and 3, Strontia Springs Reservoir, Wakeman Reservoir, Waucondah Reservoir, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 11 Reservoir, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 7 Reservoir, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 8 Reservoir, West Cherry Creek Detention Number 9 Reservoir, Westcreek Lake (historical)

  Ridges     show all on map

Russell Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Academy Charter School, Acres Green Elementary School, American Academy Charter School, Arapahoe Community College, Arrowwood Elementary School, Ave Maria Catholic School, Bear Canyon Elementary School, Buffalo Ridge Elementary School, Castle Rock Elementary School, Castle Rock Middle School, Castle View High School, Castlewood Christian School, Challenge to Excellence Charter School, Chaparral High School, Cherokee Trail Elementary School, Cherry Hills Christian School, Cherry Valley Elementary School, Christian Way School of Plum Creek, Cimarron Middle School, Clear Sky Elementary School, Colorado Cyber School eDCSD, Copper Mesa Elementary School, Core Knowledge Charter School, Cougar Run Elementary School, Coyote Creek Elementary School, Cresthill Middle School, Daniel C Oakes High School, Denver Christian School Highlands Ranch, Douglas County High School, Douglas County Schools Montessori Charter School, Eagle Academy, Eagle Ridge Elementary School, Eldorado Elementary School, Flagstone Elementary School, Fox Creek Elementary School, Franktown Elementary School, Frontier Valley Elementary School, Gann School, Glen Grove School (historical), Gold Rush Elementary School, Heritage Elementary School, Highlands Ranch High School, Iron Horse Elementary School, Jim Elliot Christian School, Larkspur Elementary School, Legacy Point Elementary School, Legend High School, Lone Tree Elementary School, Lone Tree School, Lutheran High School Parker, Mammoth Heights Elementary, Meadow View Elementary School, Mesa Middle School, Montessori School at Lone Tree, Montessori School of Castle Rock, Mountain Ridge Middle School, Mountain View Elementary School, Mountain Vista High School, North Star Academy, Northeast Elementary School, Northridge Elementary School, Oakland School (historical), Parker Montessori Educational Institute, Pine Grove Elementary School, Pine Lane Intermediate School, Pine Lane Primary School, Pioneer Elementary School, Plum Creek Academy, Ponderosa High School, Prairie Crossing Elementary School, Ranch View Middle School, Redstone Elementary School, Renaissance Expeditionary Magnet School, Rock Canyon High School, Rock Ridge Elementary School, Rocky Heights Middle School, Round Top School, Roxborough Intermediate School, Roxborough Primary School, Saddle Ranch Elementary School, Sage Canyon Elementary, Sagewood Middle School, Sand Creek Elementary School, Sedalia Elementary School, Sierra Middle School, Soaring Hawk Elementary School, South Ridge Elementary School, Southeast Christian School, Stone Mountain Elementary School, Summit View Elementary School, ThunderRidge High School, Timber Trail Elementary School, Trailblazer Elementary School, Trinity Lutheran School, University of Phoenix - Colorado Campus, Wildcat Mountain Elementary School, Woodlands Academy

  Slopes     show all on map

Riley Hill

  Springs     show all on map

Strontia Spring

  Streams     show all on map

Antelope Creek, Bear Creek, Camp Creek, Carpenter Creek, Coal Creek, Cook Creek, Cook Creek, Cool Creek, Crowfoot Creek, Deep Creek, Douglas Creek, Eagle Creek, East Cherry Creek, East Plum Creek, Elk Creek, Fern Creek, Fourmile Creek, Garber Creek, Gove Creek, Happy Canyon Creek, Haskel Creek, Horse Creek, Indian Creek, Jackson Creek, Jarre Creek, Kinney Creek, Little Turkey Creek, Little Willow Creek, Middle Garber Creek, North Garber Creek, Pine Creek, Plum Creek, Rainbow Creek, South Garber Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Stark Creek, Sugar Creek, Trail Creek, Trout Creek, Turkey Creek, Watson Park Creek, West Bear Creek, West Cherry Creek, West Creek, West Plum Creek, Willow Creek, Willow Creek, Willow Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Bald Mountain, Bear Mountain, Bee Rock, Bell Rock, Bennett Mountain, Best Butte, Bucks Mountain, Campbell Mountain, Cann Hill, Carpenter Peak, Castle Rock, Cherokee Mountain, Chimney Peak, Corner Mountain, Dakan Mountain, Dawson Butte, Devils Head, Eagle Mountain, Elephant Rock, Gott Mountain, Highlands Point, Hunt Mountain, Larkspur Butte, Monkey Face, Nemrick Butte, Nighthawk Hill, Noddle Heads, Racoon Knob, Raspberry Butte, Rattlesnake Butte, Sheep Nose, Spruce Mountain, Storm Peak, Sunset Point, Thomas Hill, Thunder Butte, True Mountain, Turtle Mountain, Wildcat Mountain

  Towers     show all on map

KDKO-AM (Littleton), KEZW-AM (Aurora), KOA-AM (Denver), KYBG-FM (Castle Rock)

  Trails     show all on map

Bergen Trail, Long Hollow Trail, Missouri Gulch Trail, South Manitou Park Trail

  Tunnels     show all on map

Aurora Rampart Tunnel Number 1, Aurora Rampart Tunnel Number 2

  Valleys     show all on map

Badger Gulch, Baldwin Gulch, Bayou Gulch, Bridge Gulch, Butler Canyon, Dad Clark Gulch, Dry Gulch, Dutch Fred Gulch, Flickenstein Gulch, Glade Gulch, Hangmans Gulch, Haskings Gulch, Hatch Gulch, Highlands Gulch, Hog John Gulch, Hunt Gulch, Illinois Gulch, Iron Gulch, Jarre Canyon, Jenny Gulch, Lake Gulch, Lee Gulch, Lehigh Gulch, Lemon Gulch, Long Hollow, Marcy Gulch, McMurdo Gulch, Metz Canyon, Mill Gulch, Missouri Gulch, Mitchell Gulch, Moonshine Gulch, Newlin Gulch, North Gulch, Oak Gulch, Polhemus Gulch, Reed Hollow, Ruby Gulch, Russell Gulch, Russellville Gulch, Sand Draw, Schoonover Gulch, Scott Gulch, Seifers Gulch, Sellers Gulch, Shrewsbury Gulch, South Fork Missouri Gulch, South Newlin Gulch, Spring Gulch, Spring Gulch, Spring Gulch, Starr Canyon, Sterling Gulch, Stevens Gulch, Stone Canyon, Sulphur Gulch, Tallman Gulch, Upper Lake Gulch, Wildcat Canyon, Wren Gulch,

Douglas County, Colorado Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteDouglas County White population 274,245274,245  
AsianDouglas County Asian population 11,63811,638
MixedDouglas County Mixed population 6,8646,863
BlackDouglas County Black population 3,8793,879
American IndianDouglas County American Indian population 1,4921,492
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderDouglas County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 298298

Additional population tables :
State population table
Colorado population by county