Eagle County, Colorado Basics:

Eagle County Colorado - Government Site

Population: 51,921
Area: 1685 square miles
County seat: Eagle
Area code(s) in use: 970 303
Time zone: MST
High school graduate or higher: 87.3%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 47.5%
Median household income: $71,030
Persons in poverty: 10.0%
Home ownership rate: 64.1%
Mean travel time to work: 20.3 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Garfield  Grand  Lake  Pitkin  Routt  Summit  

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Map of the Eagle County area

Our detail map of Eagle County shows the Eagle County, Colorado boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Eagle County, Colorado

  Airports     show all on map

Castle Peak Heliport, Eagle County Regional Airport, Gypsum Creek Ranch Airport, Vail Junction Heliport

  Arches     show all on map

Eagles Eye, Natural Bridge

  Basins     show all on map

China Bowl, Game Creek Bowl, Gold Dust Basin, Hells Pocket, Negro Basin, Northeast Bowl, Pot Hole, Skim Milk Basin, Sundown Bowl, Sunup Bowl, Teacup Bowl, Timber Basin

  Bridges     show all on map

Red Dirt Bridge

  Buildings     show all on map

Avon Police Department, Basalt and Rural Fire Protection District Station 43, Basalt Fire and Rural Fire Protection District Station 42 El Jebel, Colorado State Patrol Eagle Post, Eagle County Airport Fire Department, Eagle County Ambulance District, Eagle County Ambulance District Avon Station, Eagle County Ambulance District Edwards Station, Eagle County Ambulance District Vail Station, Eagle County Historical Museum, Eagle County Sheriff's Office, Eagle County Sheriff's Office El Jebel Substation, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 11 Beaver Creek, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 12 Edwards, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 15 Cordillera - Chaveno, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 16 Cordillera - Summit, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 4 Town of Redcliff, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 5 Town of Minturn, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 6 Eagle - Vail, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 7 Avon, Eagle River Fire Protection District Station 8 Wildridge, Greater Eagle Fire Protection District, Gypsum Fire Protection District Station 13, Gypsum Fire Protection District Station 14, Minturn Police Department, Rock Creek Volunteer Fire Department, TriState Care Flight, Vail Fire Department, Vail Fire Department, Vail Fire Department West Vail Station, Vail Police Department, Western Eagle County Ambulance District Eagle Station

  Canals     show all on map

Bemis Ditch, Bert Siddel Ditch, Bolts Ditch, Bragg Number 1 Ditch, Brett Ditch, Burton Ditch, Cash Ditch, Casper Schumm Ditch, Chatfield and Bartholomew Ditch, CKP Ditch, Columbine Ditch, Creamery Ditch, Daggett and Parker Ditch, Dodd Ditch, Ferguson Ditch, Fleck Ditch, Graham Ditch, Hernage Ditch, Ho O R Ditch, Hockett Ditch, Hollingsworth and Potter Ditch, Hollingsworth Ditch, Home Supply Ditch, Howard and Winslow Ditch, Howard Ditch, Johnson and Howard Ditch, June Creek Ditch, Leonard Horn Ditch Number 1, Lion Basin Ditch, Love and White Ditch, Lui Hopper Ditch, Mathews Ditch, McBrayer and Fenner Ditch, McBrayer Ditch, McKenzie Ditch, Metcalf Ditch, Miller Ditch, Nile Ditch, Nottingham and Puder Ditch, Oelsen Ditch, Oleson Ditch, Oneill Holland Ditch, Peterson Ditch, Peterson Ditch Number 1, Schumm Ditch Number 1, Sherwood Ditch, South Derby Ditch, Squire and Hammond Ditch, Staton and Cissna Ditch, Stratton Ditch, Stremme and Gates Ditch, Swamp Drain, Terrell and Ford Ditch, Tie Camp Ditch, Townsend Ditch, Warren Ditch, Wilkinson Ditch, Wurts Ditch

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Brett Family Cemetery, Cedar Hill Memorial Cemetery, Dotsero Cemetery, Edwards Cemetery, Gold Park Cemetery, Greenwod Cemetery, McCoy Cemetery, River View Cemetery, Sunset View Cemetery, Vail Memorial Park

  Census     show all on map

Dotsero Census Designated Place, Eagle-Vail Census Designated Place, Edwards Census Designated Place, El Jebel Census Designated Place, Fulford Census Designated Place, McCoy Census Designated Place, Wolcott Census Designated Place

  Channels     show all on map

South Portal Outlet

  Cliffs     show all on map

Hangmans Rock, Hells Gate, Seven Castles, Windy Point

  Craters     show all on map

Dotsero Crater

  Dams     show all on map

Alicia Lake Dam, Benchmark Lake Dam, Black Lake Number 1 Dam, Black Lake Number 2 Dam, Bolts Lake Dam, Castle Dam, Chalk Mountain Dam, Climax-Moly Number 4 Dam, Clyde Dam, Crooked Creek Dam, G G Upper Dam, Homestake Project Dam, Hurt Dam, June Creek Dam, Kelly Pond Dam, LEDE Dam, Luark Dam, McNulty Dam, Noecker Dam, Nottingham Dam, O-Z Dam, Price Dam, Robinson Dam, Smith Dam, Spring Park Dam, Thomas Dam, Ute Spring Reservoir Dam, Von Springs Number 1 Dam, Von Springs Number 2 Dam, Welsh Dam

  Falls     show all on map

Whitnach Falls

  Flats     show all on map

Big Park, Big Park, Bull Park, Bumpity Park, Castle Park, Coffeepot Park, Corral Park, Coyote Park, Crooked Creek Park, Deer Park, Dewey Park, Dubach Meadows, Eagle Park, Elbow Park, Elk Park, Elkhorn Park, Flagstone Park, Grass Gulch Park, Graveyard Flats, Henderson Park, High Park, Jack Flats, Kelly Park, Lime Park, Maloit Park, McCoy Park, Metheny Park, Moniger Park, Rock Creek Park, Snowslide Park, Tellurium Park, Triangle Park, Upper State Park, Willow Park, Yeoman Park

  Forests     show all on map

White River National Forest

  Gaps     show all on map

Blue Hill, Cottonwood Pass, Crooked Creek Pass, Fall Creek Pass, Fancy Pass, Half Moon Pass, Hardscrabble Saddle, Kokomo Pass, McCord Pass, Missouri Pass, Muddy Pass, Ptarmigan Pass, Taylor Creek Pass, Tennessee Pass, Two Elk Pass

  Hospitals     show all on map

Vail Valley Medical Center

  Lakes     show all on map

Beaver Dam Lake, Beaver Lake, Big Lake, Big Pine Lake, Big Spruce Lake, Blodgett Lake, Blue Lake, Blue Lake, Boot Lake, Booth Lake, Borah Lake, Bowl of Tears, Box Canyon Lake, Brady Lake, Buck Lake, Buffalo Lake, Carter Lake, Castle Creek Ponds, Cherry Lake, Cleveland Lake, Deluge Lake, Domantle Lake, Dry Lake, Dry Lake, Eagle Lake, Edges Lake, Emerald Lake, Erickson Lake, Fairview Lake, Fancy Lake, Fish Pond Lake, George Lake, Gold Dust Lakes, Gore Lake, Grouse Lake, Gutzler Lakes, Halfmoon Lake, Harvey Lake, Horse Lake, Horse Pond, Horseshoe Lake, Hunky Dory Lake, Josephine Lake, Kelly Lake, Lake Charles, Lake Constantine, Lake Esther, Lake Patricia, Lake Thomas, Lava Lake, Leeman Lakes, Lone Lick Lakes, Lost Lake, Lost Lake, Lost Lake, Lost Lakes, Lower Turquoise Lake, Marma Lake, Middle Lake, Missouri Lakes, Muckey Lake, Mulhall Lakes, Mystic Island Lake, New York Lake, Nolan Lake, Olsen Lake, Oxford Lake, Picture Lake, Piney Lake, Pitkin Lake, Polar Star Lake, Ragged Lakes, Rainbow Lake, Rim Lake, Rock Lake, Savage Lakes, Schlegel Lake, Seven Sisters Lakes, Shingle Lake, Slide Lake, Slough Grass Lake, Snow Lake, Soda Lakes, Sopris Lake, Sourdough Lakes, Strawberry Lakes, Sugarloaf Lake, Sylvan Lake, Tellurium Lake, The Beaver Ponds, Treasure Vault Lake, Tuhare Lakes, Twin Lakes, Upper Camp Lake, Upper Piney Lake, Upper Turquoise Lake, Walters Lake, Waterdog Lake, Waterdog Lake, Whitney Lake, Willow Lake, Wilmor Lake, Woods Lake

  Locales     show all on map

Abbet Place (historical), Adam Campground, Avon Siding, Baryeta Cabins, Basalt Work Center, Beaver Creek Golf Club, Beaver Creek Resort, Black Lakes Campground, Blodgett Campground, Camp Hale, Camp Hole Recreation Area, Cap-K-Ranch, Castle View Ranch, Cattle Creek Guard Station, Country Club of the Rockies, Derby Guard Station, Duffs Cabin, Eagle Vail Golf Club, Edwards Siding, Fulford Cave Campground, Gold Park, Gold Park Campground, Gore Creek Campground, Gypsum Creek Campground, Half Moon Campground, Half Moon Trailhead, Holy Cross Administrative Site, Homestake Campground, Horn Ranch, Hornsilver Campground, LEDE Reservoir Campground, Line Shack, Minturn District Ranger Staton, Mount of the Holy Cross Recreation Site, Mount Sopris Tree Nursery, Orestod (historical), Piney Crossing Campground, Piney Guard Station, Quaker Corral, Rancho Del Rio, Range, Red Creek Campground, Rocky Fork Campground, Ruedi marina, Ski Cooper, Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, Tigiwon Community House, Vail Ski Area, Wilmor, Yarmony, Yeoman Park Campground

  Mines     show all on map

Arrowhead Claims Mine, Arrowhead Number One Mine, At Last Mine, Avon Mine, B and B Edwards Pit, Ben Butler Mine, Burns and McCoy Mine, Copper King Mine, Copper Queen Mine, Coyote Claims, Coyote Claims Mine, Deep Creek Mine, Discovery Tunnel, Dotsero Quarry, Eagle Mine, Eagle Mine, El Capitan Mine, Foster Combination Mine, Fulford Mine, Glengarry Mine, Golden Wedge Mine, Ground Hog Mine, Homestake Creek Mine, Hornsilver Mine, Horse Mountain Uranium Mines, Iron Dike Mine, Johnson Mine, Lady Belle Mine, Liberty Mine, Little Spring Mine, Lucky Strike Number One Mine, Morning Mine, Mount Sanders Mine, Naperville Tunnel Mine, New Jersey Zinc Pit, Newhouse Tunnel, Newman Mine, North Dakota Mine, Ohio Tunnel, Ovee-Silurian Mine, Pine Marten Mine, Polar Star Mine, Red Cliff District Mine, Rio Grande Mine, Rock Hat Claim, Tip Top Mine

  Parks     show all on map

Dotsero Wildlife Area, Long Park

  Pillars     show all on map

Fivemile Rock, The Eagle Nest

  Populated Places     show all on map

Arrowhead Village, Astor City (historical), Avon, Bachelor Gulch Village, Basalt, Beaver Creek Village, Belden, Bighorn, Bond, Burns, Carterville, Copper Spur, Dell, Derby Junction, Dotsero, Dowds Junction, Eagle, Eagles Nest, Edwards, El Jebel, Fulford, Gilman, Gypsum, Holy Cross City (historical), Hooks, Leon, McCoy, Mid Vail, Minturn, Mitchell, Pando, Red Cliff, Ruedi (historical), Sheephorn, State Bridge, Vail, West Vail, Wolcott

  Post Offices     show all on map

Avon Post Office, Bond Post Office, Burns Post Office, Eagle Post Office, Edwards Post Office, Gypsum Post Office, McCoy Post Office, Minturn Post Office, Redcliff Post Office, Tigiwon Post Office (historical), Troutville Post Office (historical), Vail Post Office, Wolcott Post Office

  Ranges     show all on map

Gore Range, The Seven Hermits

  Reserves     show all on map

Holy Cross Wilderness

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Alex Spring Reservoir, Alicia Lake Reservoir, Bear Gulch Reservoir, Benchmark Lake Reservoir, Black Lake, Black Lake Number 1 Reservoir, Black Lake Number 2, Bolts Lake, Castle Reservoir, Cedar Brook Lake, Chalk Lake, Chalk Mountain Reservoir, Clark Spring Reservoir, Climax-Moly Number 4 Reservoir, Clyde Reservoir, Crooked Creek Reservoir, Dead Buck Reservoir, East Beard Reservoir, G G Upper Reservoir, Hells Hole Reservoir, Hurt Reservoir, Indian Grove Reservoir, James Spring Reservoir, Jouflas Spring Reservoir, June Creek Reservoir, Kelly Pond Reservoir, LEDE Reservoir, Little Cottonwood Reservoir, Lost Reservoir Number One, Lost Reservoir Number Three, Lost Reservoir Number Two, Lower Beard Number One Reservoir, Luark Reservoir, McHatten Reservoir, McNulty Reservoir, Noecker Reservoir, Nottingham Reservoir, Oxide Tailings Pond, Price Reservoir, Robinson Lake, Robinson Reservoir, Smith Reservoir, Spalding Reservoir, Spring Creek Number One Reservoir, Spring Creek Number Two Reservoir, Spring Park Reservoir, Sundell Reservoir, Tames Number One Reservoir, Tames Number Two Reservoir, Thomas Reservoir Number 2, Toner Reservoir, Triangle Reservoir, Ute Spring Reservoir, Van Springs Reservoir, Von Springs Reservoir Number 1, Von Springs Reservoir Number 2, Welsh Reservoir, West Beard Reservoir, Yates Reservoir

  Ridges     show all on map

Bellyache Ridge, Casteel Ridge, Chicago Ridge, Cottonwood Divide, Elk Ridge, Erickson Ridge, High Noon Ridge, Holy Cross Ridge, Piney Ridge, Slow Trail Ridge, Snake Ridge, Spruce Ridge, Wingle Ridge, Winter Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Battle Mountain High School, Homestake Peak School, Lake Creek School, Minturn Middle School, Upper Sheephorn School

  Springs     show all on map

Adam Mountain Spring, Alldred Spring, Antones Spring, Balanced Rock Spring, Bear Cat Spring, Big Park Spring, Big Spring, Billings Spring, Box Spring, Caliente Spring, Card Creek Springs, Cottonwood Mesa Spring, Deadhorse Spring, Dewey Park Spring, Dodo Spring, Dotsero Warm Springs, Fez Spring, Fourmile Spring, Fulford Cave Spring, Gore Creek Spring, Granite Springs, Grass Gulch Spring, Happy Jack Spring, Hart Spring, High Trail Gulch Spring, Iron Spring, Kayser Spring, Lettuce Patch Springs, Little Dutton Spring, Mather Spring, McCoy Spring, McKenzie Gulch Spring, Metz Springs, Miller Gulch Spring, Mud Spring, Mud Spring, Newcomer Spring, Piney Peak Spring, Reap Spring, Red Spring, Rock Spring, Sawmill Gulch Spring, Slaughter Spring, Soap Spring, Soda Springs, Sourdough Spring, Split Trough Spring, Spruce Spring, Stag Gulch Spring, Third Gulch Spring, White Spring

  Streams     show all on map

Abrams Creek, Alamo Creek, Alkali Creek, Alkali Creek, Antelope Creek, Antones Cabin Creek, Aspen Creek, Bagley Creek, Beard Creek, Beaver Creek, Berry Creek, Big Alkali Creek, Big Hole Creek, Bighorn Creek, Black Gore Creek, Blue Creek, Booth Creek, Box Canyon Creek, Bruce Creek, Brush Creek, Buck Creek, Buffehr Creek, Cache Creek, Camp Creek, Campbell Creek, Canard Creek, Card Creek, Carter Creek, Casteel Creek, Castle Creek, Castle Creek, Castle Creek, Catamount Creek, Cataract Creek, Center Creek, Chalk Creek, Cherry Creek, Cole Black Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Craig Horse Creek, Crooked Creek, Cross Creek, Deadman Creek, Deer Creek, Deluge Creek, Dickson Creek, Downey Creek, Dry Miller Creek, Eagle River, East Brush Creek, East Cross Creek, East Downey Creek, East Fork Eagle River, East Fork Red Canyon Creek, East Fork Red Dirt Creek, East Fork Sheep Creek, East Fork Three Licks Creek, East Jakeman Creek, East Lake Creek, East Meadow Creek, Eby Creek, Elk Creek, Elk Creek, Erickson Creek, Fall Creek, Fancy Creek, Fiddler Creek, First Fork South Fork Piney River, Freeman Creek, Freeman Creek, French Creek, Frenchman Creek, Frost Creek, Fryingpan River, Game Creek, Girard Creek, Goodson Creek, Gore Creek, Gould Creek, Grape Creek, Greenhorn Creek, Grouse Creek, Grundell Creek, Gypsum Creek, Hat Creek, Hells Hole, Hernage Creek, Homestake Creek, Horse Creek, Horseshoe Creek, Indian Creek, Iola Creek, Jakeman Creek, Jenkins Creek, June Creek, Kelly Creek, Kiln Creek, Kuntz Creek, Lake Creek, Last Chance Creek, Lava Creek, Lime Creek, Lime Creek, Lime Creek, Little Lime Creek, Lone Lick Creek, Martin Creek, Marugg Creek, Mason Creek, McCoy Creek, McHatten Creek, McPhee Creek, Meadow Creek, Metcalf Creek, Middle Creek, Middle Creek, Middle Lake Creek, Milk Creek, Mill Creek, Mill Creek, Miller Creek, Miller Gulch Creek, Missouri Creek, Mitchell Creek, Moniger Creek, Mormon Creek, Muddy Creek, Murphy Creek, No Name Creek, Nolan Creek, Norman Creek, North Fork Cattle Creek, North Fork Piney River, Notch Mountain Creek, Ohio Creek, Otto Creek, Pearl Creek, Peterson Creek, Pine Creek, Piney River, Pipe Creek, Pitkin Creek, Poison Creek, Polk Creek, Pond Creek, Posey Creek, Ranch Creek, Red Canyon Creek, Red Creek, Red Dirt Creek, Red Sandstone Creek, Reed Creek, Resolution Creek, Rock Creek, Rock Creek, Rock Creek, Rube Creek, Ruedi Creek, Salt Creek, Seven Castles Creek, Silver Creek, Slate Creek, Sleepy Creek, Smith Creek, Soda Creek, Sopris Creek, Sopris Creek, Sourdough Creek, South Fork Dickson Creek, South Fork Eagle River, South Fork Piney River, South Fork Red Sandstone Creek, Spine Creek, Spraddle Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Squaw Creek, Stark Creek, Stifel Creek, Stone Creek, Sundell Creek, Swamp Creek, Tames Creek, Taylor Creek, Taylor Creek, Terrell Creek, Thompson Creek, Three Licks Creek, Timber Creek, Tom Creek, Toner Creek, Traer Creek, Trail Creek, Travis Creek, Triangle Creek, Turkey Creek, Two by Four Creek, Two Elk Creek, Ute Creek, Waterbury Creek, Wearyman Creek, West Brush Creek, West Cross Creek, West Fork Cottonwood Creek, West Fork Red Dirt Creek, West Grouse Creek, West Jakeman Creek, West Lake Creek, Whiskey Creek, White Creek, Whitney Creek, Willow Creek, Willow Creek, Willow Creek, Wilson Creek, Yarmony Creek, Yeoman Creek, York Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Adam Mountain, Avalanche Peak, Bald Mountain, Basalt Mountain, Battle Mountain, Bellyache Mountain, Big Red Hill, Black Mountain, Blowout Hill, Blue Hill, Bocco Mountain, Burnt Mountain, Castle Peak, Chimmey Rock, Coffin Mountain, Cooper Hill, Corbett Peak, Cottonwood Peak, Craig Peak, Crowley Point, Derby Mesa, Eagle Peak, Elk Mountain, Fools Peak, Gobbler Knob, Gold Dust Peak, Greenhorn Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Gyp Hill, Hardscrabble Mountain, Hornsilver Mountain, Horse Mountain, Horse Mountain, Iron Mountain, Lionshead, Little Sugarloaf Mountain, Meridian Peak, Middle Mountain, Mount Eve, Mount Jackson, Mount of the Holy Cross, Mount Thomas, New York Mountain, North Hardscrabble Mountain, North Sheep Mountain, Notch Mountain, Pearl Peak, Petty Mountain, Piney Peak, Pisgah Mountain, Porphyry Mountain, Porphyry Mountain, Ptarmigan Hill, Ptarmigan Point, Red and White Mountain, Red Hill, Red Hill, Red Table Mountain, Resolution Mountain, Savage Peak, Sheep Mountain, Sheep Mountain, Shrine Mountain, Slate Mountain, Sugarloaf, Sugarloaf Mountain, Sugarloaf Peak, Suicide Mountain, Taylor Hill, The Spider, Vail Mountain, West Peak, Whitney Peak, Whittaker Point, Wichita Mountain, Yarmony Mountain

  Swamps     show all on map

Reeds Meadow

  Towers     show all on map

KSKE-AM (Vail), KSKE-FM (Vail), KWLI-FM (Eagle), KZYR-FM (Avon)

  Trails     show all on map

Antone Trail, Blue Creek Trail, Cache Creek Access Trail, Deluge Lake Trail, Fall Creek Trail, Half Moon Trail, High Trail, Ironedge Trail, Lake Charles Trail, Lake Creek Trail, Last Chance Trail, Lost Lake Trail, New York Mountain Trail, Nottingham Ridge Trail, Piney Lake Trail, Red Canyon Stock Driveway, Rock Creek Trail, Salt Creek Trail, Sheep Drive Trail, South Derby Trail, Two Elk Trail

  Tunnels     show all on map

Missouri Tunnel

  Valleys     show all on map

Agnew Gulch, Alkali Gulch, Association Gulch, Bachelor Gulch, Bear Gulch, Bear Gulch, Bear Gulch, Bear Gulch, Beecher Gulch, Bennet Gulch, Bishop Gulch, Boran Gulch, Bowers Gulch, Bowman Gulch, Box Canyon, Brewster Gulch, Bull Gulch, Burke Gulch, Cabin Gulch, Coberly Gap, Corral Gulch, Creamery Gulch, Deadhorse Gulch, Denison Draw, Devils Canyon, Dewey Park Gulch, Dry Gulch, Dry Gulch, Dry Gulch, Dry Gulch, Eagle Valley, East Fork Old Mans Gulch, Edwards Draw, Fargo Gulch, Fence Gulch, Fish Pond Canyon, Fish Pond Gulch, Fisher Gulch, Fitzpatrick Gulch, Fry Gulch, Garden Gulch, Gerard Gulch, Grass Gulch, Greenhorn Gulch, Hanson Gulch, Hardscrabble Gulch, High Trail Gulch, Hockett Gulch, Hoovers Bend Gulch, Horton Gulch, Jacks Gulch, Jones Gulch, Leeman Gulch, Lime Creek Canyon, Lucky Gulch, Mary Jane Gulch, Mayer Gulch, McAllister Gulch, McGinley Gulch, McKenzie Gulch, McPhee Gulch, Middle Gulch, Neilson Gucch, Nelson Gulch, No Name Gulch, Nottingham Gulch, Old Mans Gulch, Owl Gulch, Peterson Draw, Piney Gulch, Poison Gulch, Red Canyon, Red Draw, Red Gulch, Rhoads Gulch, Road Gulch, Road Gulch, Rule Gulch, Saloon Gulch, Sawmill Gulch, Sawmill Gulch, Schoolhouse Gulch, Second Gulch, Sheep Gulch, Sheep Gulch, Shippees Draw, Silver Gulch, Skillman Gulch, Slaughter Hollow, Slaughter Spring Gulch, Slim Jim Gulch, Slow Trail Gulch, Snake Gulch, Sneve Gulch, Spring Draw, Spring Draw 1, Spring Draw 2, Spring Gulch, Stag Gulch, Stockyard Gulch, Suicide Gulch, Swift Gulch, Tates Gulch, Taylor Gulch, Tenderfoot Gulch, Third Gulch, Tie Camp Gulch, Trail Gulch, Trail Gulch, Warren Gulch, West Fork Old Mans Gulch, White Draw, White Quail Gulch, Yates Gulch, Yoder Gulch,

Eagle County, Colorado Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteEagle County White population 49,53349,532  
MixedEagle County Mixed population 623623
BlackEagle County Black population 519519
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderEagle County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 5251

Additional population tables :
State population table
Colorado population by county