District of Columbia Trivia:
State Tree : Scarlet Oak
State Flower : American Beauty Rose
State Bird : Wood Thrush
State Tree : Scarlet Oak
State Flower : American Beauty Rose
State Bird : Wood Thrush
District of Columbia has a total population of 633,427 (2012 est) and ranks 14th in population of U.S. states. By age, 109,583 (17.3%) Washingtonian are under 18 years of age, 451,633 (71.3%) are age 19 to 64, and 72,211 (11.4%) are 65 years of age or older. By gender, females make up 52.7%, and males 47.3% of the total population.
Age | Population Percentage |
18 and under | 17.3 |
65 and older | 11.4 |
19 to 64 | 71.3 |
Female | 52.7 |
Male | 47.3 |
3,801 (0.6%) Washingtonian are American Indian or Alaska Native, 24,070 (3.8%) are Asian, 317,347 (50.1%) are Black, 1,267 (0.2%) are Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 271,740 (42.9%) are White, 15,836 (2.5%) are of mixed race.
Race | Population |
Black | 317,347 |
White | 271,740 |
Asian | 24,070 |
Mixed | 15,836 |
American Indian | 3,801 |
Hawaiian & Pacific Islander | 1,267 |
317,347 (50.1%) have declared Hispanic or Latino origin.
13.5% of Washingtonian were born in a foreign country.
14.9% of Washingtonian over the age of 5 speak a language other than English at home.
87.5% of Washingtonian over the age of 25 are high school graduates or higher, and 51.2% have bachelor's degrees or higher.
District of Columbia has a land area of 61 square miles and is ranked 51st among U.S. states in total area. District of Columbia has a population density of 9,857 people per square mile.