Hawaii Trivia:

Capital : Honolulu
State Tree : Candlenut Tree, Kukui
State Flower : Pua Aloalo
State Bird : Nene

Hawaii People:

Hawaii has a total population of 1,390,090 (2012 est) and ranks 40th in population of U.S. states. By age, 303,040 (21.8%) Hawaiians are under 18 years of age, 877,147 (63.1%) are age 19 to 64, and 209,904 (15.1%) are 65 years of age or older. By gender, females make up 49.6%, and males 50.4% of the total population.

Hawaii Population By Age and Gender

AgePopulation Percentage
18 and under21.8  
65 and older15.1  
19 to 6463.1  

5,560 (0.4%) Hawaiians are American Indian or Alaska Native, 532,404 (38.3%) are Asian, 29,192 (2.1%) are Black, 140,399 (10.1%) are Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 362,813 (26.1%) are White, 319,721 (23.0%) are of mixed race.

Hawaii Population By Race

AsianHawaii Asian population 532,404532,404  
WhiteHawaii White population 362,813362,813
MixedHawaii Mixed population 319,721319,721
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderHawaii Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 140,399140,399
BlackHawaii Black population 29,19229,192
American IndianHawaii American Indian population 5,5605,560

29,192 (2.1%) have declared Hispanic or Latino origin.

18.1% of Hawaiians were born in a foreign country.

25.7% of Hawaiians over the age of 5 speak a language other than English at home.

90.3% of Hawaiians over the age of 25 are high school graduates or higher, and 29.6% have bachelor's degrees or higher.

Hawaii Land:

Hawaii has a land area of 6,423 square miles and is ranked 47th among U.S. states in total area. Hawaii has a population density of 212 people per square mile.