Charles County, Maryland Basics:

Charles County Maryland - Government Site

Population: 150,710
Area: 458 square miles
County seat: La Plata
Area code(s) in use: 301
Time zone: EST
High school graduate or higher: 91.6%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 26.6%
Median household income: $93,063
Persons in poverty: 6.7%
Home ownership rate: 79.8%
Mean travel time to work: 42.6 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Amherst (VA)  Calvert  District of Columbia (DC)  King George (VA)  Prince George's  St. Marys  

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Map of the Charles County area

Our detail map of Charles County shows the Charles County, Maryland boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Charles County, Maryland

  Airports     show all on map

Aqua-Land Airport (historical), Buds Ferry Airport, Burgess Field Airport, Finagin Airfield, Holly Springs Farm Airport, Lanseair Farms Airport, Maryland Airport, Nyce Airport, Pilots Cove Airport, Robinson Airport, Squier Landing Airport, Ty-Ti-To Airport, Washington Field Airport

  Bars     show all on map

Cobb Bar, Lancaster Bar, Stoddert Bar

  Basins     show all on map

Devils Nest

  Bays     show all on map

Allens Fresh Run, Barn Cove, Blue Bay, Bluff Point Cove, Charleston Creek, Cuckold Creek, Forest Cove, Goose Bay, Goose Creek, Gumtree Cove, Harrison Cove, Hatton Creek, Mallows Bay, Matthews Cove, Mud Cove, Neale Sound, Perry Branch, Wades Bay

  Beaches     show all on map

Clifton Beach, Wicomico Beach

  Bends     show all on map

Foggy Bottoms

  Bridges     show all on map

Bryantown Bridge, Dentsville Bridge, Harry W Nice Memorial Bridge, Popes Creek Bridge, Stones Bridge, Trappe Bridge

  Buildings     show all on map

Abbey Manor I Assisted Living Center, Abbey Manor II Assisted Living Center, Bannister Neighborhood Center, Bel Alton Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services, Benedict Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Incorporated, Bryans Road Branch Charles County Public Library, Bryans Road Volunteer Fire Department, Charles County Courthouse, Charles County Detention Center, Charles County Government Building, Charles County Mobile Intensive Care Unit, Charles County Mobile Intensive Care Unit Station 60, Charles County Museum, Charles County Public Library - La Plata Branch, Charles County Public Library - Potomac Branch, Charles County Rescue Squad, Charles County Sheriff's Office District 1, Charles County Sheriff's Office District 2, Charles County Sheriff's Office Headquarters, Charles County Sheriff's Office Waldorf District, Charles County Volunteer Rescue Squad Station 51, Cobb Island Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services, Denstville Emergency Management Services, Dentsville Volunteer Emergency Rescue Service Station 15, Glynmont Branch Charles County Public Library, Government Smallwood House, Hughesville Company 2 Fire Station, Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services, Huntington Neighborhood Center, Indian Head Town Hall, Indian Head Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Incorporated, Ironside Volunteer Rescue Squad Station 58, Ironsides Volunteer Rescue Squad Station 58, La Plata Community Building, La Plata Police Department, La Plata Town Hall, La Plata Volunteer Fire Department, LaPlata Center Nursing Home, Maryland Natural Resource Police Southern Region Waldorf Office, Maryland State Police Barrack H - La Plata, Maryland State Police Barrack H La Plata, Maryland Transportation Authority Police Governor Harry W Nice Memorial Bridge, Morgantown Generating Plant, Morningside House at Saint Charles Assisted Living Center, Nanjemoy Volunteer Fire Department Engine Company 4 Incorporated, Naval Surface Warfare Center Fire and Emergency, Newburg Volunteer Rescue Squad and Fire Department Station 14, P D Brown Memorial Branch Charles County Library, Potomac Heights Company 7 Fire Station, Potomac Heights Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad Incorporated, Richard Clark Senior Center, Smallwood Safety Center, Tenth District Volunteer Fire Department, University of Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, Wakefield Neighborhood Center, Waldorf Center Nursing Home, Waldorf Rescue Squad, Waldorf Volunteer Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department Station 12, Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department Emergency Medical Services Station 3, Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department Station 3

  Capes     show all on map

Bachelors Hope Point, Balls Point, Barber Point, Benny Gray Point, Blossom Point, Bluff Point, Bryan Point, Bullitt Neck, Carpenter Point, Cedar Point Neck, Chapel Point, Chapman Point, Chapmans Point, Cobb Neck, Cobb Point, Cooksey Point, Cornwallis Neck, Deep Point, Deep Point, Douglas Point, Fennell Point, Fourth Point, Hallowing Point, Halls Point, Linton Point, Liverpool Point, Lloyd Point, Lower Cedar Point, Maryland Point, McReynolds Point, Moss Point, Nelson Point, Persimmon Point, Pomonkey Point, Rock Point, Rum Point, Sandy Point, Shipping Point, Smith Point, Smoots Point, Stoddard Point, Stump Neck, Swan Point, Swan Point Neck, Sweden Point, Tanners Point, Tayloe Neck, Teague Point, Tennyson Point, Thomas Point, Twon Point, Upper Cedar Point, Warehouse Point, Waverly Point, West Hatton Point, Westwood Point, Windmill Point, Windmill Point, Woodland Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Alexandria Cemetery, Chicamuxen Cemetery, Durham Cemetery, Emory Chapel Cemetery, Good Hope Cemetery, Holy Ghost Cemetery, Macedonia Cemetery, Marbury Cemetery, Marshall Cemetery, Metropolitan Cemetery, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Mount Rest Cemetery, Oak Grove Cemetery, Old Christ Church Cemetery, Old Field Cemetery, Park Hill Cemetery, Pisgah Cemetery, Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Sacred Heart Cemetery, Saint Charles Cemetery, Saint Ignatius Cemetery, Saint Ignatius of Loyola Cemetery, Saint Johns Cemetery, Saint Josephs Cemetery, Saint Katherines Cemetery, Saint Mary Cemetery, Saint Marys Cemetery, Saint Pauls Piney Cemetery, Saint Peters Cemetery, Shiloh Cemetery, Shiloh Cemetery, Smith Chapel Cemetery, Trinity Cemetery, Trinity Memorial Gardens, Waldorf Cemetery, Zion Cemetery

  Census     show all on map

Benedict Census Designated Place, Bensville Census Designated Place, Bryans Road Census Designated Place, Bryantown Census Designated Place, Cobb Island Census Designated Place, Hughesville Census Designated Place, Pomfret Census Designated Place, Potomac Heights Census Designated Place, Rock Point Census Designated Place, St. Charles Census Designated Place, Waldorf Census Designated Place

  Channels     show all on map

Neale Sound Channel

  Churches     show all on map

Alexandria Church, Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Calvary United Methodist Church, Chicamuxen Church, Christ Episcopal Church, Church of Christ, Durham Church, Emory Chapel, Faith Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, First Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Waldorf, Forest Park Baptist Church, Glymont Flint Church, Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Grace Brethren Church, Grace Church, Grace Lutheran Church, Greater Spiritual Fellowship Community Church, Holy Ghost Church, Indian Head Baptist Church, Indian Head Church of the Nazarene, Indian Head United Methodist Church, Kingdom Hall, La Plata United Methodist Church, Macedonia Church, Marbury Baptist Church, Marbury Church of God, Metropolitan Church, Mount Carmel Monastery, Mount Hope Baptist Church, Nanjemoy Episcopal Church, New Covenant Church, Oak Grove Church, Old Christ Church, Old Field Church, Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Peace Lutheran Church, Pilgrim Holiness Church, Piney Church, Pisgah Methodist Church, Pleasant Grove Church, Potomac Heights Baptist Church, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Saint Charles Church, Saint Charles Church of the Nazarene, Saint Francis De Sales Catholic Church, Saint Ignatius Church, Saint Ignatius Church, Saint James Episcopal Church, Saint Johns Chapel, Saint Josephs Church, Saint Katherines Church, Saint Mary Catholic Church, Saint Marys Church, Saint Marys Church, Saint Mathews Church, Saint Peters Catholic Church, Shiloh Church, Shiloh Church, Shiloh Church, Smith Chapel, The Welcome Mission, The Worship Center, Trinity Baptist Church, Trinity Church, Waldorf Baptist Church, Waldorf Church of God, Waldorf Seventh Day Adventist Church, Zion Church, Zion Wesley Church

  Cliffs     show all on map

Blue Banks, Indian Head

  Crossings     show all on map

Budds Ferry (historical), Cooks Ferry (historical), Ludlow Ferry (historical)

  Dams     show all on map

Jameson Dam, McAllister Pond Number One Dam, Myrtle Grove Lake Dam, Trinity Church Dam, Wheately Dam

  Forests     show all on map

Doncaster State Forest

  Guts     show all on map

Cramer Gut, Foggy Bottoms Gut, Hickory Gut, Saint Clair Gut, Steinhauser Gut, Tears Gut

  Hospitals     show all on map

Charles County Nursing Home, Civista Health Center, Civista Medical Center, Civista Surgery Center, Civista Women's Health Center, Glymont Medical Building, Physicians Memorial Hospital, Saint Charles Medical Center

  Islands     show all on map

Cobb Island, Cooksey Island, Craney Island, Hog Island, Marsh Island, Thoroughfare Island, Wills Island (historical)

  Lakes     show all on map

Cat Pond

  Locales     show all on map

Acton Square Shopping Center, Aqua-Land Marina, Banks O'Dee, Bennsville Siding, Blossom Point Proving Grounds, Bowlings Alley, Bryans Road Shopping Center, Budds Landing, Burgess Landing, Burnt Store, Camp Saint Charles, Charles County Plaza Shopping Center, Charles County Sanitary Landfill, Demar Road Industrial Park, Dyson Bridge, Friendship Landing, Gallant Green, Goose Bay Marina, Greensward Turf Farm, Grinders Wharf, Habre De Venture, Harris Lot, Harry Diamond Laboratories, Hawthorne Country Club, Hawthorne Shopping Center, Henson Landing, Heritage Center Shopping Center, Hughesville Industrial Park, Indian Head Shopping Center, Indian Head Wastewater Treatment Plant, Issue, La Plata North Industrial Park, La Plata Shopping Center, Laidlow Ferry, Lancaster Wharf, Marshall Hall, Mason Springs, Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant, Mattinglys Wharf (historical), Merrick Boys Camp, Metro Gun Club, Middle Business Park, Middleton's Cedar Hill Farm, Neck Landing, Olde Oak Farm, Olivers Shop, Our Ladys Manor, Pika Industrial Park, Pinefield Shopping Center, Pirates Den Marina, Point Landing, Pomfret Siding, Port Tobacco Marina, Poseys Wharf, Potomac Square Shopping Center, Proctors Wharf, Saint Charles Business Park North, Saint Charles Towne Center Shopping Center, Saint Charles Towne Plaza Shopping Center, Smallwood Village Shopping Center, Southern Maryland Public Works Camp, Southern Maryland Trade Center, Swan Point Golf Course, Timbuktu Arabian Horse Farm, Timbuktu Arabian Horse Farm, Tower Plaza Shopping Center, Village Square Shopping Center, Waldorf Business Park, Waldorf North Industrial Park, Waldorf Plaza Shopping Center, Waldorf Shoppers World Shopping Center, Waldorf Shopping Mall Shopping Center, Waldorf South Industrial Park, Wayside, Welcome, White Plains Commerce Center, White Plains Golf Course, White Plains Industrial Park, Wicomico Mill (historical), Woodland Point, Youngs Switch (historical)

  Military     show all on map

Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head

  Parks     show all on map

Bryantown Historic District, Cedarville Natural Resources Management Area, Chapel Point State Park, Clark Run Nature Area, Crain Memorial Park, Diffenbach Court Park, Gilbert Run Regional Park, Hughesville Pond Recreation Area, La Plata Park, Laurel Springs Regional Park, Laurel Springs Regional Park, Mattawoman State Natural Environmental Area, Myrtle Grove Wildlife Management Area, Patuxent River Natural Resource Management Area, Pinefield Community Park, Port Tobacco Courthouse Historic Site, Port Tobacco Historic District, Purse State Park, Robert Stethem Memorial Complex, Ruth B Swan Memorial Park, Saint Charles Athletic Center, Silver Linden Park, Smallwood State Park, Southern Park, Thomas Stone National Historic Site, Tilghman Park, Tilghman Park, Western Regional Park, White Plains Regional Park, Wills Memorial Park, Zekiah Swamp Natural Environment Area

  Populated Places     show all on map

Acton Village, Allens Fresh, Amberleigh Farms, Amys Acres, Anchorage Anchors, Arborview, Ashford, Avon Crest, Bannister, Beantown, Bel Air Acres, Bel Alton, Bel Alton Estates, Belle Ridge Farms, Bellewood, Benedict, Bennsville, Berry, Berry Hill Manor, Billingsley Forest, Billingsley Park, Birkwood Estates, Bolton, Bowen Estates, Brentland, Briar Ridge, Briarwood, Brice, Bristol (historical), Brookwood Acres, Bryans Road, Bryantown, Bryantown Estates, Bryantown Hills, Brynwood Farm Estates, Buteaux Crossing, Caernarvon Woods, Camelot, Cameron Ridge, Capitol Estates, Carrico Mill Estates, Carrington, Cedar Grove, Chapel Point, Chapel Point Woods, Chapman Landing, Charles County Gardens, Charleston Creek, Charleston Gardens, Charowood, Cherryfield (historical), Chicamuxen, Clarks Run, Clayton Run Estates, Cleveland Park Estates, Clifton on the Potomac, Cobb Island, Columbia Park, Compton, Constitution Hills, Cooksey Knolls, Country Club South, Countryside, Deer Park, Deerwood, Delight, Dentsville, Doncaster, Dorchester, Du-Mar Estates, Dubois, Dubois Park, Edelen Estates, Ellenwood, Ellerslie Heights, Eutaw Forest, Faulkner, Fenwick, Fenwick Shores, Forest Estates, Forest Glen Estates, Forest Grove, Forest Park, Fox Run, Foxhall Estates, Freedom Village, Friendship Acres, Friendship Estates, Gallant Acres, Gallant Green Woods, Garden Estates, Gilbert Acres, Gillespie Mobile Home Court, Glen Oak, Glymont, Grafton (historical), Graystone Estates, Grayton, Green Acres Estates, Green Manor Estates, Green Meadows, Green Spring, Greenmont, Grosstown, Haldane, Halley Estates, Hampshire, Hard Corner, Hawthorne, Hawthorne Manor, Hickory Hill, Hickory Ridge, Hickory Thicket, Hidden Valley, Highland Estates, Hill Top, Hillwood, Holly Haven, Holly Station, Holly Tree Park, Hope Acres, Huckleberry, Hughesville, Hughesville Manor, Hunt Club Estates, Hunters Farms, Hunters Ridge, Huntington, Huntington Townhouses, Huntley Estates, Husick Estates, Idlewood Acres, Idlewood Park, Idlewood Trailer Park, Independence Village, Indian Creek Estates, Indian Head, Indian Head Manor, Ironsides, Jacksontown (historical), Jennie Run Estates, Jones View, Karen Knolls, Kent Square, Kerrick Manor, Kindy Hook, King George Estates, Kings Grant, Kings Manor South, Knollcrest, Knotts Crossing, La Plata, Lakeside Mews, Lakewood Estates, Lancaster, Laurel Acres, Laurel Branch, Liverpool Wharf, Lone Holly, Lothair Station, Loves, Lynnbrook, Lyons Corner, Malcolm, Mandleys, Marbella, Marbury, Mariellen Park, Marshalls Corner, Marshope, Maryland Point, Masons, Mataughquamend (historical), Mattawoman, Mattawoman Estates, Mattawoman Village, Mattawoman Woods, Maxwell Hall, Maxwelton, McConchie, McDaniel Country Estates, McGhiesport, Meadow Creek Manor, Meadowbrook, Melody Acres, Middletown, Middletown, Mill Hill Estates, Millards Mill, Montaine, Montrose, Morgans Ridge, Morgantown, Mount Air, Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel Estates, Mount Carmel Woods, Mount Hope, Mount Pisgah, Mount Victoria, Myrtle Grove Estates, Nanjemoy, Nelson, Newburg, Newport, Newtown, Newtown Estates, North Indian Head Estates, Northgate, Northwood, Norwood, Nushemouck (historical), Nussamek (historical), Oak Estates, Oak Hill Estates, Oak Knolls, Oakland Acres, Oakland Estates, Oakwood, Oakwood, Old Colony, Old Sycamore Estates, Pamacocock (historical), Park Estates, Patuxent, Patuxent Woods, Penn Manor, Perry Wright, Pheasant Farm, Pine Grove Estates, Pine Hill Estates, Pinefield, Pisgah, Plainview Gardens, Pleasant Grove Estates, Pomfret, Pomfret Estates, Pomonkey, Pomonkey Landing, Popes Creek, Port Tobacco, Port Tobacco Hills, Port Tobacco Lakes, Port Tobacco Riviera, Potomac Heights, Potomac Shores, Potomac View, Potomac Wood, Potopaco (historical), Preference Estates, Quailwood, Quiet Acres, Radcliffe Estates, Redhill, Redhill Estates, Ridgeview, Ripley, Rison, Rison Acres, Riverside, Riverview Village, Robie Manor, Rock Point, Rogers Mill, Rolling Hills, Roosevelt Heights, Rosewick, Ryceville, Saint Charles, Sandy Level Estates, Serenity Woods, Shady Acres, Shiloh, Simms Landing, Smallwood Estates, South Hampton Village, Spring Hill (historical), Spring Oak Estates, Spring Valley, Springhaven, Springhaven Woods, Springhill, Stilltown (historical), Strawberry Hills Estates, Sun Valley Estates, Sunnyside, Sutton Acres, Swan Point, Swanson Creek Landing, Sylvanhurst, Tarrington Creek, Teagues Point, The Meadows, The Plains, Thomas Manor, Three Brothers, Tompkinsville, Trenton Place, Turkey Hill, Twinbrook Estates, Valley View, Wakefield, Waldorf, Walnut Hills, Warington Hills, Warrlinda, Waverly Point, Weestwood Estates, Welcome Acres, Wellington Beach, Wellington Woods, West Hatton, West White Plains, Westlake Village, White Oak Village, White Plains, White Plains Mobile Home Park, White Plains Village, White Station, Wicomico, Wicomico Ridge, Willerle Manor, Willow Gate, Winthrop (historical), Wood Haven Park, Woodberry Beach, Woodland Point, Woodridge Acres, Zekiah Valley

  Post Offices     show all on map

Allens Fresh Post Office (historical), Beantown Post Office (historical), Bel Alton Post Office, Benedict Post Office, Berry Post Office (historical), Billingsley Post Office (historical), Brentland Post Office (historical), Bryans Road Post Office, Bryantown Post Office, Chicamuxen Post Office (historical), Cobb Island Post Office, Dentsville Post Office (historical), Doncaster Post Office (historical), Dubois Post Office (historical), Faulkner Post Office, Fenwick Post Office (historical), Gallant Green Post Office (historical), Glymont Post Office (historical), Grayton Post Office (historical), Harris Lot Post Office (historical), Hill Top Post Office (historical), Hughesville Post Office, Indian Head Post Office, Ironsides Post Office, Issue Post Office, La Plata Post Office, Malcolm Post Office (historical), Marbury Post Office, Marshall Hall Post Office (historical), Mason Springs Post Office (historical), Mattawoman Post Office (historical), McConchie Post Office (historical), Morgantown Post Office (historical), Mount Victoria Post Office, Nanjemoy Post Office, Newburg Post Office, Newport Post Office (historical), Patuxent City Post Office (historical), Pisgah Post Office, Pomfret Post Office, Pomonkey Post Office (historical), Popes Creek Post Office (historical), Port Tobacco Post Office, Post Office Road Plaza Shopping Center, Ripley Post Office (historical), Rison Post Office, Riverside Post Office (historical), Rock Point Post Office, Ryceville Post Office (historical), Springhill Post Office (historical), Tompkinsville Post Office (historical), Waldorf Post Office, Wayside Post Office (historical), Welcome Post Office, White Plains Post Office, Wicomico Post Office (historical)

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Angler Lake, Cedarville Pond, Dorchester Lake, Gilbert Pond, Gilbert Run Lake, Gilbert Run Reservoir Site Number 1, Hampshire Lake, Hughesville Pond, Jameson Reservoir, Lambeth Hill Lake, McAllister Pond Number One, Post Office Lake, Redwood Lake, Saint Pauls Lake, Smoots Pond, Trinity Lake, Wakefield Lake, Wheatley Reservoir

  Schools     show all on map

Archbishop Neale Elementary School, Archbishop Neale School, Arthur Middleton Elementary School, Bel Alton Facility, Benedict School, Benjamin Stoddert Middle School, Benville School (historical), Berry Elementary School, C Paul Barnhart Elementary School, Cedar Point Neck School (historical), Chapel Hill School (historical), Charles County Community College, Charles County Vocational-Technical Center, Christ Church School, Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer Elementary School, Doctor Gustavus Brown Elementary School, Doctor Samuel Mudd Elementary School, Eva Turner Elementary School, F B Gwynn Educational Center, Faith Baptist School, First Baptist Church of Saint Charles Daycare, Gale-Bailey Elementary School, General Smallwood Middle School, Glasva Elementary School, Glymont School (historical), Good Shepherd Education Center Preschool, Grace Brethren Christian School, Grace Lutheran School, Granny Thompson School (historical), Green Leek School (historical), High Road School of Southern Maryland, Holly Springs School (historical), Horizon Center, Hughesville High School, Indian Head School, J C Parks Elementary School, J P Ryon Elementary School, James Craik Elementary School, John Hanson Middle School, Kinder Care Learning Center, Kindercare Learning Center, La Plata High School, Lackey High School, Lackey High School, Malcolm School, Mason Springs School (historical), Mattawoman Middle School, Matthew Henson Middle School, Matula Elementary School, Maurice J McDonald High School, Middletown School (historical), Milton M Somers Middle School, Milton Somers School, Mount Hope School, Mount Hope-Nanjemoy Elementary School, Mount Victoria School (historical), Nanjemoy Creek Environmental Education Center, Nanjemoy School, North Point High School, Notre Dame High School, Oak Grove School, Piccowaxen Middle School, Pomonkey School, Port Tobacco School, Potomac Heights Christian School, Radio Station Road Academy, Red Gate School, Saint Marys School, Saint Marys Star of the Sea School, Saint Peters School, Smith Point School (historical), South Potomac Church Preschool, Spring Dell Center, Strawberry Hills Elementary School, Sunny Meadow School, T C Martin Elementary School, The Beddow School, The Goddard School Early Childhood Development, Theodore G Davis Middle School, Thomas Stone High School, Tompkinsville School (historical), Waldorf Adult Services Center, Waldorf Baptist Preschool, Waldorf Center for Higher Education, Waldorf Christian Academy Kiddie College, Waldorf School (historical), Walter J Mitchell Elementary School, Walter Mitchell School, Wayside School, Westlake High School, William A Diggs Elementary School, William B Wade Elementary School, Winkler Shop School (historical), Woodside School

  Streams     show all on map

Beaverdam Creek, Bowling Creek, Bowling Gut, Bowman Creek, Budds Creek, Bunker Hill Branch, Burgess Creek, Burroughs Run, Chicamuxen Creek, Clark Run, Clifton Creek, Colby Run, Cooksey Run, Denton Run, Ditchley Prong, Dolly Boarmans Creek, Drinks Run, Ellenboro Hill Run, Ford Run, Gilbert Creek, Gilbert Swamp Run, Glasva Branch, Halfway Creek, Hancock Run, Harrison Cut, Hells Bottom Run, Herbert Run, Hill Top Fork, Hodister Run, Hoghole Run, Huckleberry Branch, Indian Branch, Indian Creek, Ivory Run, James Run, Jane Berrys Run, Jenkins Run, Jennie Run, Kings Creek, Lancaster Run, Little Creek, Lloyd Creek, Lloyd Drain, Maddox Branch, Maddox Creek, Mallows Creek, Marbury Run, Mattawoman Creek, Middletown Branch, Mill Dam Run, Mill Run, Mill Run, Mill Swamp, Mud Creek, Murphy Run, Nanjemoy Creek, Newport Branch, Newport Marsh Run, Newport Run, Oaks Run, Oden Run, Old Mill Branch, Old Womans Run, Pasquahanza Creek, Peach Run, Persimmon Point Creek, Piccowaxen Creek, Piney Branch, Piney Branch, Pole Branch, Pomonkey Creek, Popes Creek, Port Tobacco Creek, Port Tobacco River, Posey Creek, Ravens Crest Creek, Reeder Run, Rice Creek, Rogers Mill Branch, Ross Branch, Saint Stephen Run, Scar Branch, Shaws Branch, Smoots Pond Run, Spring Hill Branch, Stoner Creek, Swanson Creek, Swindler Creek, Thorne Gut, Trinity Church Run, Trunk Gut, Wards Run, Waverly Creek, Weir Creek, Wheatley Run, Wicomico River, Willmer Creek, Wills Branch, Wolf Den Branch, Zekiah Swamp Run

  Summits     show all on map

Bunker Hill, Ellenboro Hill, Ravens Crest, Rose Hill, Stretchmark Hill

  Swamps     show all on map

Fresh Marsh, Jordan Swamp, Kerrick Swamp, Mudds Marsh, Newport Marsh, Pages Swamp, Thorne Gut Marsh, Wise Marsh, Zekiah Swamp

  Towers     show all on map

WNTL-AM (Indian Head), WSMD-AM (La Plata), WXTR-FM (Waldorf)

  Trails     show all on map

Burnt Pine Trail, County Line Trail, Hidden Spring Trail, Left Trail, Maiden Fair Trail, Panhandle Trail, South Trail, Sunset Trail, West Trail, Wolf Den Trail,

Charles County, Maryland Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteCharles County White population 75,35575,355  
BlackCharles County Black population 63,90163,901
MixedCharles County Mixed population 5,2755,274
AsianCharles County Asian population 4,8234,822
American IndianCharles County American Indian population 1,0551,054
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderCharles County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 151150

Additional population tables :
State population table
Maryland population by county