Goodhue County, Minnesota Basics:

Goodhue County Minnesota - Government Site

Population: 46,389
Area: 757 square miles
County seat: Red Wing
Area code(s) in use: 651 507
Time zone: CST
High school graduate or higher: 91.4%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 22.5%
Median household income: $55,603
Persons in poverty: 8.7%
Home ownership rate: 77.3%
Mean travel time to work: 23.4 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Dakota  Dodge  Olmsted  Pepin (WI)  Pierce (WI)  Rice  Steele  Wabasha  

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Map of the Goodhue County area

Our detail map of Goodhue County shows the Goodhue County, Minnesota boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Goodhue County, Minnesota

  Airports     show all on map

Edberg Landing Strip, Frontenac Airport, Kenyon Heliport, Prairie Island-Schaller Airport, Sodbuster Strip Airport, Stanton Airfield

  Bays     show all on map

Red Wing Bay, Wacouta Bay

  Bridges     show all on map

Covered Bridge, Dwight D Eisenhower Bridge

  Buildings     show all on map

Cannon Falls Ambulance Service, Cannon Falls City Hall, Cannon Falls Fire Department, Cannon Falls Historical Museum, Cannon Falls Library, Cannon Falls Police Department, Dennison City Hall, Dennison Depot, Goodhue County Courthouse, Goodhue County Historical Society Museum, Goodhue County Sheriffs Office, Goodhue Fire and Rescue, Goodhue Police Department, Kenyon Fire Department, Kenyon Police Department, Kenyon Public Library, Milwaukee Depot, Pine Island Fire Department, Red Wing City Hall, Red Wing Fire Department, Red Wing Library, Red Wing Police Department, Red Wing Shoe Museum, Van Horn Library, Vasa Museum, Vasa Museum, Wanamingo Fire Department, Wanamingo Police Department, Zumbrota City Hall, Zumbrota Police Department, Zumbrota Public Library, Zumbrota Volunteer Fire Department

  Canals     show all on map

County Ditch Number One

  Capes     show all on map

Friedrich Point, Greene Point, Point-no-Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Andrist Cemetery (historical), Aspelund Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Belvidere Union Cemetery, Burnside Cemetery, Calvary Cemetery, Cannon Falls Cemetery, Cannon River Cemetery, Cannon River Church Cemetery, Comstock Cemetery, Corles Private Cemetery, County Line Cemetery, Dale Cemetery, Eidsvold Cemetery, Episcopal Cemetery, Episcopal Church, Evergreen Cemetery, Fairpoint Cemetery, Free Mission Cemetery, German Evangelical Cemetery, German Lutheran Cemetery, German Lutheran Cemetery, German Lutheran Cemetery, German Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, German Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Goodhue County Poor Farm Cemetery, Goodhue Presbyterian Cemetery, Grace Cemetery, Hauge Cemetery, Hegre Church Cemetery, Hof Norwegian Lutheran Church, Holden Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Hope Cemetery, Jempland Cemetery, Kelsey Family Cemetery, Knoll Cemetery, Land Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Little Cannon Cemetery, Messiah Episcopal Cemetery, Minneola German Methodist Cemetery, Minneola Lutheran Cemetery, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Nazareth Lutheran Church, Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Norwegian Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Oakwood Cemetery, Old Cemetery, Old German Evangelical Cemetery, Oxford Cemetery, Pine Island Cemetery, Prairie Island Cemetery, Saint Anscars Cemetery, Saint Columbkill's Catholic Church Cemetery, Saint John's Cemetery, Saint John's German Lutheran Cemetery, Saint Johns Cemetery, Saint Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Saint Michaels Cemetery, Saint Peter's German Lutheran Cemetery, Saint Rose Cemetery, Scherf Cemetery, Spring Garden Cemetery, Stordahl Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Swedish Cemetery, Swedish Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Synod Cemetery, Trinity Cemetery, United Cemetery, Urland Cemetery, Vasa Cemetery, Villa Marie Academy Cemetery, Vining Cemetery, Wacouta Cemetery, Wacouta Cemetery, Wanamingo Cemetery, Wangen Prairie Cemetery, Wangs Cemetery, Welch Cemetery, Wells Creek Cemetery, West Florence Cemetery, Zion Cemetery, Zumbrota Cemetery, Zumbrota East Cemetery

  Census     show all on map

Frontenac Census Designated Place

  Channels     show all on map

Buffalo Slough, Hardy Run, Jackson Run, Little River, Miley Run

  Churches     show all on map

Apostolic Gospel Church, Aspelund Emmanuel Church, Assembly of God Church, Baptist Church, Berean Baptist Church, Cannon Community Church, Cannon Falls Assembly of God Church, Cannon River Church, Christ Episcopal Church, Christ Episcopal Church, Christ Lutheran Church, Church of Christ, Church of Christ, Church of Redeemer Episcopal, Concordia Lutheran Church, Congregational Church, Cornerstone Community Church, Cross of Christ Church, Dale Church, Dennison Lutheran Church, Edisvold Church, First Baptist Church, First Congregational Church, First Covenant Church, First English Lutheran Church, First Lutheran Church, First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, Gol Lutheran Church, Gol Lutheran Church, Goodnews Evangelical Free Church, Grace Church, Hauge Church, Hiawatha Valley Baptist Church, Holden Church, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Jehovahs Witnesses Congregation, Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, Lands Church, Messiah Episcopal Church, Minneola Church, New Life Church, New Life United Pentecostal Church, Open Door Alliance Church, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Our Savior's Evangelical Church, Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Pine Island Assembly of God Church, Red Wing Foursquare Church, Riverwood Community Church, Saint Agnes Catholic Church, Saint Ansgar's Lutheran Church, Saint Columkills Church, Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Saint John's Lutheran Church, Saint John's Lutheran Church, Saint John's United Church of Christ, Saint Johns Church, Saint Joseph's Church, Saint Luke's Lutheran Church, Saint Mary's Catholic Church, Saint Michael's Catholic Church, Saint Michael's Catholic Church, Saint Paul's Catholic Church, Saint Paul's Evangelical Church, Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, Saint Peter's Lutheran Church, Saint Peters Church, Saint Peters Church, Saint Pius V Church, Saint Rose Church, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Spring Garden Church, Stanton United Methodist Church, Stordahl Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, United Lutheran Church, United Methodist Church, United Methodist Church, United Redeemer Lutheran Church, Urland Church, Valley View Assembly of God Church, Vang Lutheran Church, Vasa Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wanamingo Four Square Church, Wanamingo Lutheran Church, Wangen Prairie Church, Welch Church, Wesleyan Church, West Florence Immanuel Church, Zion Church

  Cliffs     show all on map

Barn Bluff, Garrard Bluff, Rattlesnake Bluff, Sorins Bluff, Sugarloaf Bluff

  Dams     show all on map

Arthur Voth Detention Dam, Belle Creek R-1 Dam, Belle Creek R-4 Dam, Bullard Creek Number 6 Dam, Bullard Creek Structure 1 Dam, Bullard Creek Structure 2 Dam, Cecil Franklin Dam, Charles Vangsness Dam, Donald Banks Group Dam, Donald Johnson Dam, Eldon Anderson Dam, Elmer Voth Detention Dam, Erredge Group Detention Dam, Evan Josephson Dam, George Lamberty Dam, Harold Eckblad Dam, Henry Henricks Dam, Joseph Frederich Dam, Kepner Group Dam, L Jackson Pond Dam, Little Cannon River Dam, Lock and Dam Number 3, Lock and Dam Number Three, Lower 7 Group Structure Number 1 Dam, Lower 7 Group Structure Number 2 Dam, Merlyn Hadler Detention Dam, Minneola Township Pool Site 3 Dam, Overland Pond Dam, Peaceful Valley Group Structure Number 1 Dam, R Rusch Dam, Swanson, Holm and Hemmah Group Dam, Thomforde Group Structure Number 1 Dam, Thomforde-Rockne Number 1 Dam, Thomforde-Rockne Number 2 Dam, Welch Dam, West Fork Group Structure Number 1 Dam, West Fork Group Structure Number 2 Dam, William Dankwart Dam

  Forests     show all on map

Richard J Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest

  Hospitals     show all on map

Cannon Falls Health Center, Fairview Red Wing Clinic, Fairview Red Wing Medical Center, Fairview Zumbrota Clinic, Hi-Park Care Center, Kanyon Mayo Family Practice Center, Kenyon Sunset Home, Lake City Clinic - Mayo Health, Lake City Nursing Home, Mayo Clinic Health System Cannon Falls, Mayo Clinic Health System Lake City, Mineral Springs Sanatorium, Olmsted Medical Center, Olmsted Medical Center, Our Lady of the Angels Care Court, Pine Haven Care Center, Red Wing Health Center, Riverview Manor, Zumbrota Hospital, Zumbrota Nursing Home

  Islands     show all on map

Baldwin Island, Carlson Island, Prairie Island

  Lakes     show all on map

Birch Lake, Brewer Lake, Brunner Lake, Buffalo Slough, Cannon Lake, Clear Lake, Colvill Bay, Devils Lake, Espen Lakes, Goose Lake, Grotes Pond, Indian Slough, Jones Lake, Larson Lake, Little Goose Lake, Lower Rattling Springs Lake, North Lake, Pickerel Slough, Round Lake, Sharp Muskrat Lake, Spring Creek Lake, Sturgeon Lake, Twin Lakes, Upper Clear Lake, Upper Rattling Springs Lake, Upper Round Lake, Wildcat Lake, Wood Slough

  Locales     show all on map

Cannon Falls Campground, Cannon Mall, Cannon River Camp, Cannon Valley Fairgrounds, Central Point, Dennison (historical), Frontenac Hills Apple Farm, Frontenac Station, Goodhue (historical), Hay Creek Campground, Hidden Valley Campgrounds, Kenyon (historical), Kenyon Country Club, Lake City Country Club, Lake Pepin Campgrounds and Trailer Park, Lake Pepin Rest Area, Mississippi National Golf Links, Mount Frontenac Golf Course, Mount Frontenac Ski Area, Pahl View Farm, Pine Island (historical), Pine Island Golf Course, Red Wing, Red Wing Country Club, Red Wing Generating Station, Red Wing Mall, Riverfront Centre, Skyberg (historical), Smith Bar, Sogn Valley Orchard, Stanton (historical), Summit Golf Club, Timms Dairy Farm, Valley View Orchard, Wanamingo (historical), Welch (historical), Welch Village Ski Area, White Willow (historical), Zumbrota (historical)

  Parks     show all on map

Anderson Park, Audrey - Grandview Park, Barn Bluff Historical Marker, Barn Bluff Park, Bay Point Park, Bevans Circle - Pine Ridge Park, Billings Tomfohr Conservation Area, Birchwood Park, Bluffview Park, Cannon Falls Softball Field, Cannonview Park, Central Park, Civic Center Park, Colvill Park, East Side Park, Espen Island State Wildlife Management Area, Featherstone Park, Fort Beauharnois Historical Marker, Fort Beauharnois Wayside Park, French Trading Posts of Lake Pepin Historical Marker, Frontenac State Park, Gadient Heights Park, Geology of Frontenac State Park Historical Marker, Hannahs Bend Park, Hedin Island Park, Hi Park Playground, Hok-Si-La City Park, John Rich Park, Jordan Court Park, Kenyon Wayside Park, LaGrange Park, Levee Park, Martha Lane Park, Minnesota State Training School Entrance Walls, Minnieska Park, Pine Island Wayside Park, Pine Valley Park, Pottery Pond Park, Red Wing Region Historical Marker, Red Wing Wayside Park, Riverside Park, Sandy Lane Park, Skyberg Wayside Park, Soldiers Memorial Park, South Park, Spring Creek Park, Sun Valley Park, Sunnyside/Roosevelt Park, Vasa: Mattson's Settlement Historical Marker, William Colvill Historical Marker, William Colvill State Monument, Woodland Park, Zumbrota Historical Marker, Zumbrota Wayside Park

  Populated Places     show all on map

Belle Creek, Bellechester, Belvidere Mills, Bombay, Cannon Falls, Claybank, Dennison, Eggleston, Forest Mills, Frontenac, Goodhue, Grand View Mobile Park, Hader, Hansen's Harbor and Trailer Court, Harliss, Hay Creek, Kenyon, Nansen, Old Frontenac, Pepin Woods Mobile Home Park, Pine Island, Red Wing, Riverside Terrace Mobile Court, Roscoe, Roscoe Center, Ryan, Skyberg, Sogn, Stanton, Stroms, Vasa, Wacouta, Wacouta Beach, Wanamingo, Wangs, Wastedo, Welch, White Rock, White Willow, Zumbrota

  Post Offices     show all on map

Aspelund Post Office (historical), Aurland Post Office (historical), Ayr Post Office (historical), Belle Creek Post Office (historical), Bellechester Post Office (historical), Belvidere Mills Post Office (historical), Black Oak Post Office (historical), Burley Post Office (historical), Burr Oak Springs Post Office (historical), Cannon Falls Post Office, Cannon Valley Post Office (historical), Cascade Post Office (historical), Central Point Post Office (historical), Claybank Post Office (historical), Crystal Springs Post Office (historical), Dennison Post Office, Eagle Mills Post Office (historical), Eggleston Post Office (historical), Eidsvold Post Office (historical), Fairpoint Post Office (historical), Featherstone Post Office (historical), Finney Post Office (historical), Florence Post Office (historical), Forest Mills Post Office (historical), Frontenac Post Office, Goodhue Post Office, Hader Post Office (historical), Haycreek Post Office (historical), Holden Post Office (historical), Kenyon Post Office, Lena Post Office (historical), Miami Post Office (historical), Minneola Post Office, Nansen Post Office (historical), Norway Post Office (historical), Pine Island Post Office, Poplar Grove Post Office (historical), Red Wing Post Office, Rest Island Post Office (historical), Roscoe Center Post Office (historical), Roscoe Post Office, Ryan Post Office (historical), Skyberg Post Office (historical), Sogn Post Office (historical), Springcreek Post Office (historical), Stanton Post Office (historical), Thoten Post Office (historical), Vasa Post Office (historical), Waconta Post Office (historical), Wanamingo Post Office, Wangs Post Office (historical), Wastedo Post Office (historical), Welch Post Office, Whiterock Post Office (historical), Whitewillow Post Office (historical), Zumbrota Post Office

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Fredrickson Lake, Lake Fredrickson, Merlyn Hadler, Nelson Lake, Pool 3

  Ridges     show all on map

Oak Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Burnside School, Cannon Falls Elementary School, Cannon Falls High School, Cannon Falls School, Colvill School, Concordia Lutheran School, Goodhue Public Schools, Hancock School, Immanuel Lutheran School, Jefferson School, Kenyon - Wanamingo Elementary School, Kenyon Elementary School, Kenyon High School, Minnesota State College - Southeast Technical, Pine Island Elementary School, Pine Island High School, Red Wing High School, Redwing Christian Academy, Saint Johns School, Saint Johns School, Saint Josephs School, Saint Paul's Lutheran School, Sunnyside School, Twin Bluffs Junior High School, Villa Maria Academy, Wastedo School, Zumbrota Elementary School, Zumbrota Mazeppa High School

  Springs     show all on map

Rattling Springs

  Streams     show all on map

Belle Creek, Bitter Creek, Bullard Creek, Butler Creek, Cannon River, Catfish Slu, Clear Creek, Crooked Creek, Devlin Creek, Hay Creek, Little Cannon River, North Branch Middle Fork Zumbro River, North Cannon River, Pearl Creek, Pine Creek, Prairie Creek, Shingle Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Trout Brook, Vermillion River, Vermillion Slough, Wells Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Coon Hill, Kohn Hill, Sugarloaf Hill

  Swamps     show all on map

Rice Lake Bottoms

  Towers     show all on map

KCUE-AM (Red Wing), KWNG-FM (Red Wing)

  Valleys     show all on map

Clark Valley,

Goodhue County, Minnesota Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteGoodhue County White population 44,30144,301  
MixedGoodhue County Mixed population 649649
American IndianGoodhue County American Indian population 603603
BlackGoodhue County Black population 510510
AsianGoodhue County Asian population 325324
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderGoodhue County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 4646

Additional population tables :
State population table
Minnesota population by county