Pope County, Minnesota Basics:

Pope County Minnesota - Government Site

Population: 10,917
Area: 670 square miles
County seat: Glenwood
Area code(s) in use: 320
Time zone: CST
High school graduate or higher: 91.3%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 19.1%
Median household income: $51,148
Persons in poverty: 8.7%
Home ownership rate: 79.7%
Mean travel time to work: 19.8 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Douglas  Grant  Kandiyohi  Stearns  Stevens  Swift  Todd  

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Map of the Pope County area

Our detail map of Pope County shows the Pope County, Minnesota boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Pope County, Minnesota

  Airports     show all on map

Glenwood Municipal Airport, Starbuck Municipal Airport

  Buildings     show all on map

Cyrus City Hall, Cyrus Fire Department, Glacial Ridge Ambulance, Glenwood City Hall, Glenwood Fire Department, Glenwood Public Library, Lowry City Hall, Lowry Fire Department, Pope County Courthouse, Pope County Historical Museum, Pope County Law Enforcement Center, Sedan Fire Department, Starbuck Depot, Starbuck Fire Department, Starbuck Police Department, Villard Volunteer Fire Department

  Canals     show all on map

County Ditch Number Eleven, County Ditch Number Fifteen, County Ditch Number Nine, County Ditch Number Seven, County Ditch Number Six, County Ditch Number Twelve, County Ditch Number Twentyeight, County Ditch Number Two, Judicial Ditch Number Four, Judicial Ditch Number One, Judicial Ditch Number Three

  Capes     show all on map

Barsness Point, Eagles Point, Foster Point, Halvorson Point, Lawrence Point, Swenson Point, Woodland Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Barsness Lutheran Cemetery, Ben Wade Cemetery, Bethany Cemetery, Calvary Cemetery, Calvary Cemetery, Chief White Bear Grave, Chippewa Falls Cemetery, Cyrus Cemetery, Early Indherred Community Cemetery, East Zion Cemetery, Ellerson-Mortenson Cemetery, Farwell Cemetery, Fron Cemetery, Glenwood Cemetery, Grove Lake Cemetery, Hitman Family Cemetery, Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Indherred Church Cemetery, Lake Amelia Cemetery, Lake Ann Cemetery, Lake Ben Cemetery, Lake Emily Cemetery, Lake Johanna Cemetery, Lake Leven Cemetery, Lake Reno Cemetery, Minnewaska Cemetery, Nora Cemetery, Norunga Cemetery, Oak Hill Cemetery, Pike Lake Cemetery, Saint John's Cemetery, Saint John's Cemetery, Saint Johns Cemetery, Saint Pauls Cemetery, Saint Petri Cemetery, Sather Family Cemetery, Scandia Lutheran Cemetery, Seventh Day Adventist Cemetery, South Lake Johanna Cemetery, Swedish Mission Cemetery, Trinity Cemetery, West Lake Amelia Cemetery, West Lake Johanna Cemetery, West Zion Cemetery

  Churches     show all on map

Barsness Church, Ben Wade Covenant Church, Bethany Church, Chippewa Falls Lutheran Church, East Zion Church, First Baptist Church, Fron Lutheran Church, Glenwood Catholic Church, Glenwood Lutheran Church, Glenwood United Parish, Grove Lake Church, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Indherred Church, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, Lake Reno Church, Minnesaska Lutheran Church, Minnewaska Assembly of God Church, Nora Church, Norunga Church, Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church, Saint John Church, Saint John's Lutheran Church, Saint Johns Church, Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, South Lake Johanna Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, Villard United Methodist Church, West Lake Johanna Church, West Zion Church

  Dams     show all on map

Bohmer Wildlife Pond Dam, Chippewa River Dam, Grove Lake Dam, Lake Linka Structure Number 1 Dam, Lybeck Lake Dam, Marlu Lake Dam, Marlu Mill Pond Structure Dam, Mud Creek Number 5 Group Dam, Osterberg Lake Dam, Pelican Lake Inlet Dam

  Hospitals     show all on map

Glacial Ridge Hospital, Glenwood Medical Center, Glenwood Plaza Center, Lakeview Good Samaritan Center, Minnewaska District Hospital, Minnewaska Lutheran Home, Starbuck Clinic

  Lakes     show all on map

Abrahamson Lake, Alice Lake, Amelia Lake, Anderson Lake, Anderson Lake, Anderson Lake, Ann Lake, Belgum Lake, Benson Lake, Burroughs Lake, Camp Lake, Celia Lake, Christopherson Lake, Crook Lake, Diamond Lake, Eckert Lake, Edwards Lake, Ellen Lake, Ellen Lake, Erickson Lake, Fosse Lake, Frederick Lake, Gilbertson Lake, Gilchrist Lake, Goose Lake, Grove Lake, Gundar Lake, Helle Lake, Hoff Lake, Horse Lake, Irgens Lake, John Lake, Johnson Lake, Jorgenson Lake, Kittleson Lake, Kolstad Lake, Krantz Lake, Lair Lake, Lake Ben, Lake Emily, Lake Hanson, Lake Jennum, Lake Johanna, Lake Linka, Lake Mary, Lake Minnewaska, Lake Reno, Lake Simon, Larson Lake, Leven Lake, Lincoln Lake, Malmedal Lake, McClellan Lake, McCloud Lake, McIver Lake, Mitmoen Lake, Nelson Lake, Nilson Lake, Osterberg Lake, Otter Lake, Paulson Lake, Pelican Lake, Pike Lake, Rasmuson Lake, Rice Lake, Rocky Mountain Lake, Rosby Lake, Round Lake, Round Lake, Sather Lake, Scandinavian Lake, Signalness Lake, Star Lake, State Lake, Steenerson Lake, Strandness Lake, Swan Lake, Swan Lake, Swenoda Lake, Thoralson Lake, Tracey Slough, Villard Lake, Westport Lake, Wollan Lake

  Locales     show all on map

Cyrus (historical), Farwell, Glenwood, Hobo Park Campground, Lowry, Minnewaska Golf Course, New Prairie (historical), Pezhekee Golf Course, Pope County Fairgrounds, Rodina Golf Course, Sedan, Starbuck (historical), Villard (historical), Westport (historical), Wildridge Campgrounds, Woodlawn Resort and Campground

  Parks     show all on map

Bangor State Wildlife Management Area, Barsness Park, Farwell State Wildlife Management Area, Fort Lake Johanna and Iverson Cabin Historical Marker, Glacial Lakes State Park, Glenwood City Park, Glenwood Region Historical Marker, Glenwood Wayside Park, Heinks State Wildlife Management Area, Hobo Park, Holly Skogen, Indian Mounds Park, Knapp Park, Lakeshore Park, Little Jo State Wildlife Management Area, Lowry State Wildlife Management Area, Mount Lookout Park, New Prairie State Wildlife Management Are, Noordmans State Wildlife Management Area, Nora State Wildlife Management Area, Reno State Wildlife Management Area, Sedan State Wildlife Management Areas, Skarpness State Wildlife Management Area, Star Lake State Wildlife Management Area, Starbuck at Magmental Lake Wayside Park, Van Luik State Wildlife Management Area, Volkmann State Wildlife Management Area, Wade State Wildlife Management Area, White Bear State Wildlife Management Area

  Populated Places     show all on map

Cyrus, Farwell, Glenwood, Grove Lake, Long Beach, Lowry, Pine Hill Park, Sedan, Starbuck, Terrace, Villard, Westport

  Post Offices     show all on map

Anderson Post Office (historical), Barsness Post Office (historical), Blue Mounds Post Office (historical), Cyrus Post Office, Eggen Post Office (historical), Erickson Post Office (historical), Farwell Post Office, Fron Post Office (historical), Gilchrist Post Office (historical), Glenwood Post Office, Grovelake Post Office (historical), Horeb Post Office (historical), Hoverud Post Office (historical), Lake Amelia Post Office (historical), Lake Johanna Post Office (historical), Langhei Post Office (historical), Lowry Post Office, New Prairie Post Office (historical), Nora Post Office (historical), Otto Post Office (historical), Reno Post Office (historical), Rolling Fork Post Office (historical), Sedan Post Office, Starbuck Post Office, Terrace Post Office (historical), Villard Post Office, Walden Post Office (historical), Westfield Post Office (historical), Westport Post Office (historical)

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Grove Lake, Kjos Pool, Lake Linka Trail Erosion Control Reservoir, Lybeck Lake, Marlu Lake, Marlu Millpond, Osterberg Lake, Pelican Lake

  Schools     show all on map

Cyrus Elementary School, Lake Country Christian School, Lake Reno School, Minnewaska Area High School, Nordgaard Elementary School, Oak Grove School, School Number 14, Starbuck Elementary School, Villard Elementary School

  Streams     show all on map

Hassel Creek, Little Chippewa River, Outlet Creek, Signalness Creek, Trappers Run

  Summits     show all on map

Blue Mounds

  Swamps     show all on map

Mud Lake

  Towers     show all on map

KCCO-TV (Alexandria), KIKV-FM (Alexandria), KIKV-FM (Alexandria), KMGK-FM (Glenwood), KSAX-TV (Alexandria),

Pope County, Minnesota Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhitePope County White population 10,68810,687  
MixedPope County Mixed population 109109
AsianPope County Asian population 4443
American IndianPope County American Indian population 3332
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderPope County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 00

Additional population tables :
State population table
Minnesota population by county