Thomas County, Nebraska Basics:

Thomas County Nebraska - Government Site

Population: 692
Area: 713 square miles
County seat: Thedford
Area code(s) in use: 308
Time zone: CST
High school graduate or higher: 94.4%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 20.0%
Median household income: $56,429
Persons in poverty: 7.3%
Home ownership rate: 73.8%
Mean travel time to work: 16.5 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Blaine  Cherry  Custer  Hooker  Logan  McPherson  

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Map of the Thomas County area

Our detail map of Thomas County shows the Thomas County, Nebraska boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Thomas County, Nebraska

  Airports     show all on map

Ewoldt Landing Strip, Thomas County Airport

  Bridges     show all on map

Warner Bridge

  Buildings     show all on map

Bessey Nursery Office, Halsey Rural Fire District, Seneca Volunteer Fire Department, Thedford Police Department, Thedford Volunteer Fire Department, Thedford Volunteer Rescue Squad, Thomas County Courthouse, Thomas County Library, Thomas County Sheriffs Office

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Hillcreat Cemetery

  Churches     show all on map

Bedford Assembly of God Church, Saint Thomas of Canterbury Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ

  Locales     show all on map

A L Ranch, Arrowhead Campground, Atkinson Ranch, Bessey District Ranger Office, Bessey Recreation Area, Bessey Recreation Complex Campground, Bussard Ranch, Collier Ranch, Cowdin Ranch, Crawford Ranch, Edelman Ranch, Fackler Ranch, Halsey, Hanks Ranch, Hardy Ranch, Maesburg Ranch, Martin Ranch, McMillen Ranch, Naber Ranch, Natick, Nebraska State 4H Camp, Norway, Nutter Ranch, Paxton Ranch, Pearson Ranch, Red Ranch, Rodocker Ranch, Rodocker Ranch, Ryman Brothers Ranch, Seneca, Thedford, Walker Ranch

  Parks     show all on map

The Sandhills Historical Marker

  Populated Places     show all on map

Halsey, Natick, Norway, Seneca, Thedford

  Post Offices     show all on map

Dismal Post Office (historical), Halsey Post Office, Imhof Post Office (historical), Natick Post Office (historical), Norway Post Office (historical), Seneca Post Office, Sunflower Post Office (historical), Thedford Post Office

  Schools     show all on map

Albright School, Antelope Valley School, Bandy School, Daggett School, Ewoldt School, Florea School, Licking School, Madron School, Norway School, Peaceful Plains Elementary School, Rodewald School, Rose Hill School, Sandhills Elementary School, School Number 11, School Number 9, Thedford Elementary School, Thedford High School, Warner School, West Purdum School

  Summits     show all on map

Signal Hill, Signal Hill

  Towers     show all on map

Scott Lookout Tower

  Trails     show all on map

Dismal Trail, Scott Lookout National Recreation Trail,

Thomas County, Nebraska Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteThomas County White population 685685  
MixedThomas County Mixed population 32
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderThomas County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 00

Additional population tables :
State population table
Nebraska population by county