Meade County, South Dakota Basics:

Meade County South Dakota - Government Site

Population: 26,070
Area: 3471 square miles
County seat: Sturgis
Area code(s) in use: 605
Time zone: MST
High school graduate or higher: 92.8%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 21.3%
Median household income: $50,077
Persons in poverty: 10.9%
Home ownership rate: 71.0%
Mean travel time to work: 18.6 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Butte  Haakon  Lawrence  Pennington  Perkins  Ziebach  

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Map of the Meade County area

Our detail map of Meade County shows the Meade County, South Dakota boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Meade County, South Dakota

  Airports     show all on map

Barber Airport, Bruch Airfield, Bruch Ranch Airport, Cobb Ranch Airstrip, Ellsworth Air Force Base, Engalls Landing Strip, Faith Municipal Airport, Running Colors Airport, Sturgis Municipal Airport, Vig Limousin Airport, Vig Ranch Airfield

  Areas     show all on map

Centennial Trail, Fort Meade Veterans Administration Watershed

  Benches     show all on map

Snake Bench

  Buildings     show all on map

Alkali Club House, Black Hawk Fire Department, Elk Creek Community Hall, Ellsworth Air Force Base Fire Department, Elm Springs Fire Department, Enning Fire Department, Faith Ambulance Service, Faith City Hall, Faith Community Center, Faith Fire Department, Faith Public/School Library, Fort Meade Fire Department, Hereford Fire Department, Meade County Courthouse, Mud Butte Fire Department, Opal Fire Department, Piedmont City Hall, Piedmont Public Library, Piedmont Volunteer Fire Department Main Station, Piedmont Volunteer Fire Department Substation, Rawlins Municipal Library, Sturgis City Hall, Sturgis Fire and Emergency Services, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame, Sturgis Public Library, Summerset City Hall

  Capes     show all on map

Costello Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Backes Cemetery, Bear Butte Cemetery, Black Hills National Cemetery, Blackhawk Cemetery, Elk Vale Cemetery, Fairpoint Cemetery, Faith Cemetery, Fort Meade National Cemetery, Haydraw Cemetery, Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Plum Draw Cemetery, Saint Joseph Cemetery, Viewfield Cemetery, White Owl Cemetery

  Census     show all on map

Blackhawk Census Designated Place, Blucksberg Mountain Census Designated Place, Ellsworth Air Force Base Census Designated Place (historical), Union Center Census Designated Place

  Churches     show all on map

Elm Springs Church, Holy Family Church, Lakeside Church, Opal Community Church, Plainview Church, Pleasant Valley Church, Prairie Home Church, Saint Eustace Church, Saint Josephs Church, Saint Margarets Church, Saint Patricks Church

  Crossings     show all on map

Interchange 30, Interchange 32, Interchange 34, Interchange 37, Interchange 40, Interchange 44, Interchange 46, Interchange 48, Interchange 51

  Dams     show all on map

A Fishbach Dam, A Oakland Dam, A Samuelson Number 1 Dam, A Simons Dam, Anderson 1 Dam, B Helleckson Dam, Barry Dam, Blazek Dam, Bobby Peters 2 Dam, Boneita Springs Dam, Bonita Springs Lake Dam, Bruch Brothers Dam, Burch Brothers Number 2 Dam, C Jordan Dam, C Nuzum Number 1 Dam, C Nuzum Number 2 Dam, C Steen Dam, Carl Humphrey Dam Number 1, Carl Lungren Dam Number 1, Cecil Vig Dam, Cecil Vig Dam Number 1, Cecil Vig Dam Number 2, Charles Weiss Dam Number 1, Charles Weiss Dam Number 2, Charles Weiss Dam Number 3, Christ Orwick Dam, Christ Orwick Dam, Clarence Goff Dam, Collins Dam, Curlew Dam, D Gifford Number 1 Dam, D Gifford Number 2 Dam, D Keffeler Dam, D Nuzum Dam, D Talley Dam, D Timmons Dam, D Wood Dam, Delbridge Dam, Diamond F Ranch Dam, Durkee Dam, E B Wilson Dam, E Hoffman Number 1 Dam, E Hoffman Number 2 Dam, E Hoffman Number 3 Dam, E Hoffman Number 4 Dam, E Hoffman Number 5 Dam, E Hoffman Number 6 Dam, E Hoffman Number 7 Dam, E Hoffman Number 8 Dam, E Hoffman Number 9 Dam, E J Mooney Dam Number 1, E Mooney Dam, E Vansickel Dam, E Wilson Dam, Earl McPherson Dam Number 1, Floyd Strong Dam, Francis Chaffee Dam Number 1, Freeman Dam, G Boke Number 1 Dam, G Boke Number 2 Dam, G Welter Dam, George Levin Dam Number 1, H Freeze Dam, Hale 1 Dam, Harild Mikuoik Dam, Herford Lake Dam, Howie Dam, I Thompson Dam, J Huston Dam, J Issacs Dam, J Reed Dam, Jensen Dam, Jordan Mundil Dam, Kellogg 1 Dam, L Bachand Dam, L Ingalls Number 1 Dam, L Ingalls Number 2 Dam, L Reeves Number 3 Dam, Lee Crower Dam Number 1, Lundgren 2 Dam, M O'Grady Dam, M Weyers Dam, Martha Munroe Dam, Martin Dam, Marvin Reinhold Dam Number 1, McCasland and Schiller Number 1 Dam, McCasland and Schiller Number 2 Dam, McCasland and Schiller Number 3 Dam, McCasland and Schiller Number 4 Dam, Miller Dam, Mooney 1 Dam, N Overdahl Dam, N Vansickel Dam, OK Anderson Dam, Ollie Stomprud Dam, Opal Dam, P Bachman Dam, P Lorang Grazing Association Dam, Patterson Holding Dam, Paul Young Dam, Peters 1 Dam, Prairie View Farms Dam Number 1, R Compton Dam, R Hampton Number 1 Dam, R Howie Dam, R Howie Dam, R Talley Number 1 Dam, R Talley Number 2 Dam, Ralph Hamptom Dam, Raymond Hanzlik Dam, Red Owl Dam, Reeves Cattle Company Number 1 Dam, Reeves Cattle Company Number 2 Dam, Richard Williamson Dam, Road Dam Number 2, Robert Schuelke Dam, Ronald Philips Dam Number 1, S Baxter Number 1 Dam, S Schroder Dam, S Simon Dam, Samuelson Brothers Number 1 Dam, Samuelson Brothers Number 2 Dam, Samuelson Brothers Number 4 Dam, Samuelson Dam, Sanders Dam, School Section Dam, Shirley Miller Dam, Snook Dam, South Dakota Komes 1 Dam, State Land Dam, T Mahaffey Dam, T Mason Dam, T Sternard Dam, Talley Dam, Ted Olson Dam, Tisdale Lake Dam, Udager Dam, W Grueb Dam, W Jordan Dam, W Mann Number 1 Dam, W Mann Number 2 Dam, W Mann Number 3 Dam, W Richardson Dam, Walter D Miller Dam Number 1, William Baxter Dam, William Olson Dam, William Patterson Dam, Wolken 2 Dam

  Flats     show all on map

Davidson Flat, Harwood Flat, Kent Flat, Shepherd Flat

  Gaps     show all on map

Red Gate, White Gate

  Hospitals     show all on map

Sturgis Regional Hospital, Veterans Affairs Black Hills Health Care System Fort Meade Campus

  Lakes     show all on map

Howes Grazing Lake

  Locales     show all on map

Alkali (historical), Alkali (historical), Beaver Siding (historical), Bend (historical), Bethlehem, Big Bottom (historical), Calcite (historical), Camp Creek, Camp Raynolds (historical), Caton (historical), Chaffee Ranch, Clough (historical), Cooper (historical), Crystal Cave (historical), Doyle (historical), Edson (historical), Elk Creek (historical), Freiberg Ranch, Glenn Ranch, Goff Ranch, Goldfield (historical), Grashul (historical), Gumbo (historical), Hereford (historical), King Ranch, Lovell (historical), M P Ranch, McKay Ranch, Newcombe Ranch, Opal (historical), Prairie Oasis Mall, Sidney Stockdale (historical), Stage Barn (historical), Stoneville (historical), Tama (historical), Two Rivers Ranch, Vig Ranch, Wagner Historical Monument, Walker Ranch, White Owl (historical), Yahr Park (historical), Zeal (historical)

  Military     show all on map

Ellsworth Air Force Base

  Mines     show all on map

Sturgis Sandstone Quarry

  Parks     show all on map

Bear Butte National Wildlife Refuge, Ben Ash Historical Monument, Opal Lake State Game Production Area

  Pillars     show all on map

Steamboat Rock

  Populated Places     show all on map

Avance (historical), Bear Butte, Bend, Blackhawk, Boneita Springs, Carwye (historical), Cedar Canyon, Clough, Dalzell, Elm Springs, Enning, Fairpoint, Faith, Fox Ridge, Goiens (historical), Haydraw, Hereford, Howes, Marcus, Maurine, Mud Butte, Opal, Piedmont, Plainview, Redowl, Runkel (historical), Stoneville, Sturgis, Sulphur, Summerset, Tilford, Union Center, Viewfield, Volunteer, White Owl

  Post Offices     show all on map

Bethlehem Post Office (historical), Black Hawk Post Office, Enning Post Office, Faith Post Office, Fort Meade Post Office, Howes Post Office, Opal Post Office (historical), Piedmont Post Office, Sturgis Post Office, Union Center Post Office, White Owl Post Office

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Bear Butte Lake, Curlew Lake, Dupree Lake, Ensor Lake, Maurine Lake, Nuzum Lake, Opal Lake, Plainview Hughes Lake, Reed Dam, Stoneville Lake, Sturgis Reservoirs, Thompson Lake, Tisdale Lake, Vansickel Lake, White Owl Lake, Wilson Lake

  Ridges     show all on map

Eightmile Divide, Elm Butte Divide, Fox Ridge, Stagebarn Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Atall Elementary School, Bachand School, Barry School, Bench School, Bend School, Benoit School, Big Bottom School, Black Hawk Elementary School, Boneita Springs School, Bradley School, Brechtel School, Brehm School, Brown High School, Carpenter School, Case School, Clover School, Cottonwood School, Cowen School, Crowell School, Divide School, Doyle School, Eden School, Elk Dale School, Enning/Union Center Elementary School, Erskine School, Faith Elementary School, Faith High School, Faith Junior High School, Farview School, Follette School, Fourmile School, Fox Ridge School, Hall School, Hamm School, Harlow School, Harlow School, Harmony School, Hayes School, Hereford Elementary School, Hereford School, Holmes School, Hope School, Horse Butte School, Laurel School, Linn School, Lodge School, Lone Star School, Lost Nation School, Lower Alkali School, Maurine Elementary School, McNenny School, Meyer School, Morris Creek School, Morse Creek School, Mud Butte School, Negro Creek School (historical), Ninemile School, North King School, North Middle Alkali School, North Red Owl School, North Star School, Opal Elementary School, Piedmont Valley Elementary School, Pierce School, Pleasant Hill School, Power School, Prairie School, Prairie View School, Red Top School, Reichert School, Riggs School, School Number 20, School Number 3, Schoun School, South Highland School, South King School, South Pleasant View School, Spring Creek School, Squaw Butte School (historical), Sturgis Elementary School, Sunny Slope School, Sweet Clover School, Timber Creek School, Union Center School, United School, Upper Pleasant Valley School, Volunteer School, Volunteer School, Walthall School, Wetz School, Williams Junior High School, Williamson School, Wilson School, Wolff School

  Springs     show all on map

Davidson Spring, Freiberg Spring, Indian Spring, Sulphur Spring

  Streams     show all on map

Alkali Creek, Alkali Creek, Antelope Creek, Badlands Creek, Bear Butte Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Dam Creek, Belle Fourche River, Blackhawk Creek, Brushy Creek, Bull Creek, Bull Creek, Bull Run Creek, Camp Creek, Cattle Creek, Coal Mine Draw, Cottle Creek, Coyote Creek, Crooked Elm Creek, Deer Creek, Deere Creek, Dry Creek, Dry Creek, Dry Creek, Dry Creek, Dry Elm Creek, Dry Fourmile Creek, Eagle Creek, East Badlands Creek, East Branch Beaver Dam Creek, East Branch Narcelle Creek, East Branch Pine Creek, East Branch Turtle Creek, East Elm Creek, East Killdeer Creek, East Tepee Creek, Eightmile Creek, Elk Creek, Elm Creek, Elm Creek, Elm Creek, Estes Creek, Fourmile Creek, Frozen Man Creek, Green Berry Creek, Hay Creek, Hay Creek, Horse Creek, Indian Creek, Jim Creek, Jimmy Creek, Johnny Creek, Johnny Creek, Lemmon Creek, Little Elk Creek, Lone Tree Creek, Lone Tree Creek, Lone Tree Creek, Lottie Creek, Meadow Creek, Middle Badlands Creek, Middle Branch Beaver Dam Creek, Middle Branch Pine Creek, Middle Creek, Middle Fork Creek, Morris Creek, Narcelle Creek, Negro Creek, Ninemile Creek, North Branch Turtle Creek, North Brushy Creek, Pine Creek, Pine Creek, Pleasant Valley Creek, Plum Creek, Red Owl Creek, Rock Creek, Rose Creek, Second Bull Creek, Skirt Creek, Soft Water Creek, South Sulphur Creek, Spook Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Stony Butte Creek, Sulphur Creek, Tepee Creek, Timber Creek, Trail Creek, Vanocker Creek, West Badlands Creek, West Branch Beaver Dam Creek, West Branch Narcelle Creek, West Branch Pine Creek, West Branch Turtle Creek, West Bull Creek, West Elm Creek, West Middle Creek, West Tepee Creek, Whistle Creek, White Owl Creek, Wolf Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Bald Mountain, Bear Butte, Buzzards Peak, Deadman Mountain, Elm Butte, Englishman Butte, Flagstaff Mountain, Flat Top Butte, Flint Rock Hill (historical), Hay Butte, Horse Butte, Lemmon Butte, Lookout Butte, Mud Butte, Oyster Mountain, Piedmont Butte, Poverty Point, Rattlesnake Butte, Rizer Hill, Saddle Butte, Signal Butte, Sly Hill, Stony Butte, Vig Buttes, Zeff Butte

  Towers     show all on map

KBHB-AM (Sturgis), KRCS-FM (Sturgis), Veteran Lookout Tower

  Valleys     show all on map

Adams Draw, Beatty Gulch, Beaver Gulch, Big Draw, Boydson Draw, Bradley Draw, Breakneck Gulch, Browns Draw, Bulldog Gulch, Cedar Canyon, Chapman Draw, Chimney Canyon, Corsaurt Draw, Cottonwood Draw, Cowboy Draw, Davis Draw, Deadman Gulch, Dover Draw, Dry Elk Gulch, Erskine Gulch, Forbes Gulch, Gilam Draw, Green Draw, Hay Draw, Huddleston Draw, Killdeer Draw, Maddox Draw, Mud Draw, Murray Draw, Pierce Draw, Plum Draw, Priest Canyon, Sand Springs Draw, South Stagebarn Canyon, Stagebarn Canyon, Sweet Gulch, Syndicate Gulch, Telegraph Draw, Tilford Gulch, Trussman Draw, Turner Draw, Virkula Gulch, Wards Canyon, Whimmer Whammer Draw,

Meade County, South Dakota Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteMeade County White population 23,90623,906  
MixedMeade County Mixed population 730729
BlackMeade County Black population 469469
AsianMeade County Asian population 209208
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderMeade County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 2626

Additional population tables :
State population table
South Dakota population by county