Stanley County, South Dakota Basics:

Stanley County South Dakota - Government Site

Population: 2,969
Area: 1444 square miles
County seat: Fort Pierre
Area code(s) in use: 605
Time zone: CST
High school graduate or higher: 90.7%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 26.7%
Median household income: $56,553
Persons in poverty: 11.6%
Home ownership rate: 81.5%
Mean travel time to work: 14.0 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Dewey  Haakon  Hughes  Jones  Lyman  Sully  Ziebach  

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Map of the Stanley County area

Our detail map of Stanley County shows the Stanley County, South Dakota boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Stanley County, South Dakota

  Airports     show all on map

Chisholm Ranch Landing Field, Deal Landing Strip, Dick Deal Landing Strip, Hayes Emergency Airstrip, Scarborough Airstrip, W L Thompson Airport

  Areas     show all on map

Orton Flat

  Bends     show all on map

Angel Bottom (historical)

  Buildings     show all on map

Fort Pierre Volunteer Fire Department, Four Corners Volunteer Fire Department, Stanley County Courthouse, Verendrye Museum

  Capes     show all on map

Stony Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Cedar Hill Cemetery, Mission Ridge Cemetery, Sansarc Cemetery, Scotty Philip Cemetery

  Churches     show all on map

Grace Church, Holy Name Chapel, Little Brown Church, Saint Johns Mission (historical)

  Dams     show all on map

Allen Stirling Number 1 Dam, Allien Stirling Number 2 Dam, Alvin Hohrman Dam, Anderson Number 1 Dam, Bad River Cattle Company Number 1 Dam, Bad River Cattle Company Number 2 Dam, Bernard Stoeser Dam, Carl Hansen Dam, Charles Frazier Dam, Chisholm Number 1 Dam, David Olson Dam, Duwayne Slaathaug 1 Dam, Erne Stnemec Number 1 Dam, F R Fackelman Dam, Gay Lord Sauceman Dam, Gaylord Norman Number 1 Dam, Gaylord Norman Number 2 Dam, Goodman Number 1 Dam, Harold Stirling Dam, Haskins Number 1 Dam, Hayes Dam, Hedman Number 1 Dam, Henry Wilson Dam, J E Sheehan Estate Number 1 Dam, J E Sheehan Estate Number 2 Dam, J E Sheehan Estate Number 3 Dam, Joe Schomer 1 Dam, Joe Schomer 2 Dam, John Saucerman Number 1 Dam, Lawrence Donelan Dam, Leslie Caldwell Dam, Livermore Dam, Louis Bonhorst Number 1 Dam, Louis Bonhorst Number 2 Dam, Louis Bonhorst Number 3 Dam, Louis Bonhorst Number 4 Dam, Louis Bonhorst Number 5 Dam, Louis Caldwell Dam, Mathews Brothers Number 1 Dam, Mathews Brothers Number 2 Dam, Norbert Bonhorst Dam, Norman Number 1 Dam, Normane State Dam, Oahe Dam, Otto Schmidt Dam, Plum Creek Grazing Association Number 1 Dam, Plum Creek Grazing Association Number 2 Dam, Prince and Sons Number 1 Dam, Prince and Sons Number 2 Dam, Ralph Hedman Dam, Red Plum Dam, Robert Calkingsor Dam, Roscoe Riggle Dam, Sonnenschein Number 1 Dam, Sonnenschein Number 2 Dam, Sonnenschein Number 3 Dam, Tribal Dam, W N Barrick Estate Dam, Walter Thompson Dam, Williams 783 Dam, Williams Number 3 Dam

  Flats     show all on map

Giddings Flat, Little Flats, Marion Flats, Mississippi Flats

  Islands     show all on map

Antelope Island, Marion Island (historical), Willow Island (historical)

  Locales     show all on map

A A Burgeson Ranch, A C Burgeson Ranch, A Stoeser Ranch, Ancel Tibbs Ranch, Anderson Ranch, B Stoeser Ranch, B Stoeser Ranch, Barrick Ranch, Borden Ranch, Bunker (historical), Cheyenne River Agencies I and II (historical), Cheyenne River Post II (historical), Chisholm Ranch, Clark Ranch, Cloverdale Ranch, Cooper Ranch (historical), D Jones Ranch, Dave Flyinghawk Ranch (historical), Doc Tibbs Ranch, Donelan Ranch, Doud Ranch, Doud Ranch, Flom Ranch, Fort Bennett (historical), Fort Campbell (historical), Fort Galpin (historical), Fort George (historical), Fort LaFramboise Number One (historical), Fort LaFramboise Number Two (historical), Fort Pierre Number One (historical), Fort Pierre Number Two (historical), Fort Primeau (historical), Fort Tecumseh (historical), Fort Teton (historical), Fratzke Ranch, Fratzke Ranch, Gillaspie Ranch, Graham Ranch (historical), Groff Ranch, Hannum Ranch, Haskins Ranch, Hedman Ranch, Hohrman Ranch, J Anderson Ranch, Kirkpatrick Ranch, Kirley (historical), Lewis Ranch, Lyle Hedman Ranch, M Jones Ranch, Madison Ranch, Marrington Ranch, May Ranch, Miller Ranch, Mission Ridge (historical), Monks Ranch, N C Andersen Ranch, Nemec Ranch, Nemec Ranch, Nemec Ranch, Nemec Ranch, Norman Ranch, Norman Ranch, Norman Ranch, Norman Ranch, Olesen Ranch, Olesen Ranch, Olson Ranch, Olson Ranch, Olson Ranch, Orton (historical), Pearman Ranch, Princes Ranch, Purcell Ranch, R Stoeser Ranch, Ralph Hedman Ranch, Riggle Ranch, Rose Ranch, Saucerman Ranch, Scarborough Ranch, Schiesser Ranch, Schmitz Ranch, Seidler Ranch, Severson Ranch, Silvage Ranch, Standiford Ranch, Standing Butte Triple-U Buffalo Ranch, Stanley (historical), Stoeser Ranch, Sublette and Campbell Post (historical), Sunshine Ranch, Tolton Ranch, Tolton Ranch, W Madison Ranch (historical), Walker Ranch, Webb Ranch, Whiskey Island (historical), White Ranch, Young Ranch

  Parks     show all on map

Antelope Creek Recreation Area, Buffalo Park (historical), Chantier Creek Recreation Area, Downstream Recreation Area, Downstream Recreation Area, Hayes Lake State Access Area, West Shore Recreation Area

  Populated Places     show all on map

Bunker (historical), Fort Pierre, Hayes, Lacy, Mission Ridge, Orton, Pheba (historical), Sansarc, Teton, Wendte

  Post Offices     show all on map

Fort Pierre Post Office, Hayes Post Office (historical), Lindsay Post Office (historical)

  Ranges     show all on map

Crockett Mountains, Iron Post Buttes

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Hayes Lake, Williams 783 Reservoir, Williams Number 3 Reservoir

  Ridges     show all on map

Anderson Ridge, Doty Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Carr School, Cheyenne Elementary School, Episcopal Boys School (historical), LaRoche School, Matthew School, Orton School, Rhodes School, River Bottom School Number 50 (historical), Rolling Green School, Stanley County Elementary School, Stanley County High School, Stanley County Middle School, Twin Butte School, Werckman School, Willow Creek School

  Streams     show all on map

Agency Creek, Antelope Creek, Ash Creek, Bad River, Bobs Creek, Broken Neck Creek, Brush Creek, Brush Creek, Camp Creek, Chantier Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Crow Eagle Creek, Deep Creek, Deep Creek, Dry Run, East Fork Minneconjou Creek, First Creek, Fort George Creek, Foster Creek, Frozen Man Creek, Gray Blanket Creek, Lance Creek, Lance Creek Holes, LaRoche Creek, Minneconjou Creek, Mission Creek, North Fork Sansarc Creek, Oak Creek, Plum Creek, Porcupine Creek, Powell Creek, Red Woman Creek, Sand Creek, Sand Creek, Sansarc Creek, Second Creek, Shack Creek, Snake Creek, Stranger Creek, Timber Creek, Tomahawk Creek, Wagonhound Creek, War Creek, West Branch War Creek, West Fork Minneconjou Creek, Willow Creek, Yellow Shoulder Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Black Butte, Brown Hill, Cedar Butte, Fort George Butte, Lindsay Butte, Lookout Point, Medicine Butte (historical), Mission Ridge, Murray Butte, Round Top, Standing Butte, Verendrye Hill, Willow Creek Butte

  Towers     show all on map

KGFX-AM (Pierre), KGFX-FM (Pierre), KNEY-FM (Pierre)

  Valleys     show all on map

Ballard Canyon, Buck Williams Draw, Casey Draw, Government Draw, Huckfeldt Draw, True Draw, Whiteman Draw,

Stanley County, South Dakota Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteStanley County White population 2,6422,642  
American IndianStanley County American Indian population 223222
MixedStanley County Mixed population 7777
BlackStanley County Black population 1817
AsianStanley County Asian population 98
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderStanley County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 00

Additional population tables :
State population table
South Dakota population by county