Garfield County, Washington Basics:

Garfield County Washington - Government Site

Population: 2,230
Area: 711 square miles
County seat: Pomeroy
Area code(s) in use: 509
Time zone: PST
High school graduate or higher: 94.8%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 24.6%
Median household income: $51,325
Persons in poverty: 9.7%
Home ownership rate: 73.2%
Mean travel time to work: 18.1 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Asotin  Columbia  Wallowa (OR)  Whitman  

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Map of the Garfield County area

Our detail map of Garfield County shows the Garfield County, Washington boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Garfield County, Washington

  Airports     show all on map

Dye Seed Ranch Inc Airport, Ferrell Field, Lower Granite Dam Heliport, Scott Seed Farm Airport

  Bars     show all on map

Hastings Bar, Kelly Bar, Rice Bar, Tucker Bar, Wades Bar

  Basins     show all on map

Chaparral Basin

  Bays     show all on map

Knoxway Bay

  Buildings     show all on map

Garfield County Sheriff's Office, Operation Fish Run, Pomeroy Fire Department, Pomeroy Police Department

  Capes     show all on map

Getaway Point

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Holy Rosary Cemetery, Kirby Cemetery, Mayview Cemetery, Owsley Cemetery, Pataha Flat Cemetery, Pioneer Cemetery

  Cliffs     show all on map

Abels Point, Jump Off Joe Point

  Flats     show all on map

Dutch Flat, Elk Flat, Moore Flat, New York Bar, Pataha Flat

  Hospitals     show all on map

Garfield County Memorial Hospital

  Lakes     show all on map

Baker Pond

  Locales     show all on map

Alder Thicket Campground, Alpowa, Berlin, Big Spring Campground, C H Neal Ranch, Cecil Bott Ranch, Central Ferry Research Farm, Clearwater, Clearwater Guard Station, Clearwater Lookout, Columbia Center, F Kessler Ranch, First Creek Cabin, H A McEachan Ranch, Iron Springs Guard Station, J R Evans Ranch, Kelly Camp, Misery Spring Campground, Offield Landing, Pataha Campground, Pataha Research Natural Area, Pataha Valley Grange, Port of Garfield, Powell Camp, Raffertys Ranch (historical), Ruchert Camp, Sheephead Corral, Spruce Spring Campground, Valentine, Wickiup, Wickiup Campground, Willow Landing

  Mines     show all on map

Red Hill Gravel Pit

  Parks     show all on map

Grouse Flat State Wildlife Recreation Area, Tucannon Game Reserve (historical)

  Populated Places     show all on map

Central Ferry, Chard, Dodge, Gould City, Houser, Illia, Kirby, Mayview, Mentor, Pataha, Peola, Ping, Pomeroy, Rose Springs, Stentz Spring, Unfried (historical), Zumwalt

  Ridges     show all on map

Abels Ridge, Alpowa Ridge, Bear Cave Ridge, Bear Ridge, Buckley Ridge, Cougar Ridge, Count Chute Ridge, Darland Ridge, Devils Eyebrow, Devils Tailbone Ridge, Driveway Ridge, Government Trail Ridge, Hard-to-get-to Ridge, Horse Pasture Ridge, Jones Ridge, July Ridge, Knotgrass Ridge, Kuhl Ridge, Lost Point Ridge, Lost Ridge, Martin Ridge, Middle Point Ridge, Monument Ridge, Mud Spring Ridge, Palmer Ridge, Patterson Ridge, Pinkham Ridge, Scoggin Ridge, Simpson Ridge, Smooth Ridge, Stevens Ridge, Unfried Ridge, Valentine Ridge, Welch Ridge

  Schools     show all on map

Holy Rosary School, Hunt School, Philomathian School, Pomeroy Elementary/Junior/Senior High School

  Springs     show all on map

Al Spring, Alder Spring, Alder Thicket Spring, Badgley Spring, Bear Willow Spring, Big Bear Willow Spring, Big Fir Spring, Big Mud Spring, Big Spring, Bihmaier Springs, Buck Spring, Buckhorn Spring, Butler Spring, Clover Spring, Cold Spring, Cougar Spring, Coyote Spring, Deadhead Spring, Diamond Spring, Dodge Spring, Double Spring, Dresser Spring, Elk Spring, Falling Springs, Flerchinger Spring, Fourth of July Spring, Frying Pan Spring, Getaway Spring, Government Spring, Horseshoe Spring, Hunt Spring, Hunter Spring, Indian Springs, Iron Springs, Jeffreys Spring, Jelly Spring, Lanzie Spring, Little Bear Willow Spring, Little Mud Spring, Lost Trail Spring, McGilvra Spring, Misery Spring, Misery Spring, Mud Spring, Oliphant Spring, Pinkham Spring, Pistol Spring, Pole Manger Spring, Powell Spring, Rose Spring, Ruchert Spring, Sawmill Spring, Schneckloth Spring, Seeley Spring, Sheep Gulch Spring, Sheephead Spring, Snow Spring, Spout Spring, Spruce Spring, Squaw Spring, Stentz Spring, Sweeney Spring, Tamarack Spring, Teal Spring, Three C Spring, Twin Spring, Twin Springs, Warner Spring, Weatherly Spring, Wickiup Spring, Wild Horse Spring, Willow Springs, Wolf Spring

  Streams     show all on map

Bear Creek, Casey Creek, Cherry Creek, Crooked Creek, Deadman Creek, Donaldson Creek, Dry Fork Lick Creek, Dry Pataha Creek, East Fork First Creek, First Creek, Meadow Creek, Melton Creek, Middle Branch North Fork Asotin Creek, North Deadman Creek, North Meadow Creek, Pewawai Creek, Saddle Creek, South Deadman Creek, South Fork North Fork Asotin Creek, South Meadow Creek, Stember Creek, Tumalum Creek, Weimer Creek, West Fork First Creek, Willow Creek

  Summits     show all on map

Calloway Hill, Castle Rock, Diamond Peak, Dodge Hill, Elk Point, Goat Mountain, Halsey Butte, Huckleberry Butte, Lost Point, Mount Misery, Pinkham Butte, Tatman Mountain, Wild Horse Hill

  Trails     show all on map

Bear Creek Trail, Crooked Creek Trail, July Ridge Trail, Melton Creek Trail, North Fork Asotin Creek Trail, Packer Trail, Tucannon River Trail

  Valleys     show all on map

Arbothknott Canyon, Beckwith Gulch, Ben Day Gulch, Benjamin Gulch, Bihmaier Gulch, Bill Welch Gulch, Blachly Gulch, Breakdown Gulch, Brown Gulch, Clayton Gulch, Cougar Canyon, Coyote Canyon, Davis Canyon, Deadman Gulch, Donaldson Gulch, East Lynn Gulch, Geiger Gulch, Hammer Gulch, Hart Gulch, Heaton Gulch, Home Gulch, Horseshoe Canyon, Hutchens Gulch, Kidwell Gulch, Kluge Canyon, Knoxway Canyon, Lewellen Gulch, Linville Gulch, Locust Grove Canyon, Lynn Gulch, Mark Young Canyon, McCann Gulch, McRae Canyon, Meadow Gulch, Megginson Gulch, New York Gulch, Offield Canyon, Palmer Canyon, Pine Tree Canyon, Ping Gulch, Rickman Gulch, Rommel Canyon, Schaefer Gulch, Schnaible Gulch, Sheep Gulch, Sheep Gulch, Simpson Gulch, Slide Canyon, Smith Gulch, South Fork Deadman Gulch, Spring Gulch, Sweeney Gulch, Tatman Gulch, Truax Canyon, Twin Gulch, Unfried Gulch, Wambo Gulch, Warm Springs Gulch, Willow Gulch, Wolf Canyon, Woodruff Canyon

  Wells     show all on map

Hatten Well,

Garfield County, Washington Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteGarfield County White population 2,1342,134  
MixedGarfield County Mixed population 4746
AsianGarfield County Asian population 4040
American IndianGarfield County American Indian population 76
BlackGarfield County Black population 22
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderGarfield County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 00

Additional population tables :
State population table
Washington population by county