Boone County, Missouri Basics:

Boone County Missouri - Government Site

Population: 168,530
Area: 685 square miles
County seat: Columbia
Area code(s) in use: 573
Time zone: CST
High school graduate or higher: 92.9%
Bachelor's degree or higher: 47.3%
Median household income: $47,786
Persons in poverty: 19.5%
Home ownership rate: 57.6%
Mean travel time to work: 18.3 minutes

Adjacent counties:
Audrain  Callaway  Cole  Cooper  Howard  Moniteau  Randolph  

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Map of the Boone County area

Our detail map of Boone County shows the Boone County, Missouri boundary lines and other interesting items.

Places in Boone County, Missouri

  Airports     show all on map

A B Chance Company Heliport, Boone Hospital Center Heliport, Cedar Creek Airport, Chance Airport, Columbia Regional Airport, E W Cotton Woods Memorial Airport, Hardin Field, Hawk Air Airport, Sugar Branch Airport, University Hospitals and Clinics Heliport, White Cloud Flying Field Airport

  Arches     show all on map

Roche Percée Natural Arch, Rock Bridge

  Areas     show all on map

Callaham's Lick (historical), Little Dixie, Northern Ozark Border, Two Mile Prairie

  Basins     show all on map

Devils Icebox

  Bends     show all on map

McBaine Bend, Plow Boy Bend

  Bridges     show all on map

Duley Mill Bridge

  Buildings     show all on map

Ashland Police Department, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 1, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 10, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 12, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 13, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 14, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 15, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 2, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 3, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 4, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 5, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 6, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 7, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 8, Boone County Fire Protection District Station 9, Boone County Sheriff's Office, Brushwood (historical), Centralia Fire Department Station 1, Centralia Fire Department Station 2, Centralia Police Department, Columbia Fire Department Headquarters, Columbia Fire Department Station 2, Columbia Fire Department Station 3, Columbia Fire Department Station 4, Columbia Fire Department Station 5, Columbia Fire Department Station 6, Columbia Fire Department Station 7, Columbia Fire Department Station 8, Columbia Fire Department Training Academy, Columbia Police Department, Daniel (historical), Department of Conservation Regional Fire Office Central, Hallsville Police Department, Kennard Station (historical), Lenoir Home, Missouri University Fire and Rescue Training Institute, Persinger (historical), Southern Boone County Fire Protection District Station 17, Southern Boone County Fire Protection District Station 18, Southern Boone County Fire Protection District Station 19, Southern Boone County Fire Protection District Station 20

  Cemeteries     show all on map

Antioch Cemetery, Barger Cemetery, Botner Cemetery, Centralia Cemetery, Columbia Cemetery, Conley Cemetery, Dripping Spring Cemetery, Fairview Cemetery, Far West Cemetery, Fortney Cemetery, Fountain Cemetery, Friedens Cemetery, German Cemetery, Glendale Memorial Gardens, Goodin Cemetery, Hamilton Cemetery, Harris Cemetery, Harrisburg Cemetery, Hinkson Creek Cemetery, Jewell Cemetery, Johnson Cemetery, Memorial Park Cemetery, Mount Carmel Cemetery, Mount Horeb Cemetery, Mount Nebo Cemetery, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Nailer Cemetery, Oakland Cemetery, Palmer Cemetery, Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Prairie Grove Cemetery, Riggs Cemetery, Robison Cemetery, Rock Bridge Cemetery, Samuel Cemetery, Stephens Cemetery, Sturgeon Cemetery, Sugar Creek Cemetery, Union Cemetery, Valley Springs Cemetery, Walnut Grove Cemetery

  Churches     show all on map

Barnes Chapel, Bethel Church, Bethlehem Church, Bonds Chapel, Broadway Church, Emmanuel Church, Fairview Church, Friendship Church, Good Shepherd Church, Grandview Church, Hartsburg Baptist Church, Hatton Chapel, Little Bonne Femme Church, Locust Grove Church, Log Providence Church, Mount Celestial Church, Mount Hope Church, Mount Pleasant Church, Mount Zion Church, New Liberty Church, New Providence Church, New Red Top Church, New Salem Church, Old Red Top Church, Olivet Church, Peace United Church of Christ, Perche Church, Prairie Grove Church, Red Rock Church, Sugar Grove Church, Union Church

  Cliffs     show all on map

Big Manitou Bluffs

  Dams     show all on map

Aaron Lake Dam, Andy Lake Dam, Angel Lake Dam, Ausburns Lake Dam, Bailey Lake Dam, Bennett Lake Dam, Blakemore Lake Dam, Boco Mo Dam, Bon-Gor Lake Dam, Boone County B-1 Dam, Bumgarner Lake Section 11 Dam, Bumgarner Lake Section 3 Dam, Bunns Lake East Dam, Bunns Lake West Dam, Callahan Creek Watershed Dam A-1, Callahan Creek Watershed Dam A-4, Callahan Creek Watershed Dam A-6, Callahan Creek Watershed Dam C-1, Callahan Creek Watershed Dam C-2, Cedar Lake Dam, Cedar Lake Section 23 Dam, Cheng Lake Dam, Columbia Municipal Golf Course Dam, Columbia Municipal Golf Course Lower Dam, Columbia Sportsmans Club Lake Dam, Country Box Estates Lake Dam, Country Club of Missouri Lake Dam, Country View Acres Lake Dam, County Downes Lake Dam, Cumminghams Lake Dam, Demarco Lake Dam, Dexter Lake Dam, Fairview Lake Dam, Fletchall Lake Dam, Forrest Lake Dam, Fountain Lake Dam, Garrett Lake Dam, Ginn Lake Dam, Gurwit Lake Dam, Hagan Lake Dam, Herny Dam, Hill Creek Acres Lake Dam, Hood Lake Dam, Hopper Dam, Hulen Lake East Dam, Hulen Lake West Dam, Kimmy Lake Dam, Kreisel Lake Section 3 Dam, Laboratory Dam, Lake Champetra Dam, Lake Chateau Dam, Lake Cyrene Dam, Lake Lavista Dam, Landhuis Lake Dam, Lewis Lake Dam South, Lewis Lake North Dam, Liddell Dam, Little Leech Dam, Llorens Lake Dam, Lohmar Lake Dam, Lower Lake Chapparel Dam, McKenzie Lake Dam, Mills Lake Dam, Montgomery Lake Dam, Moon Valley Lake Dam, Moores Lake Dam, Musgraves Lake Dam, North 40 Lake Dam, Perry Philips Dam, Peterson Lake Dam, Pollock Lake Dam, Rapp Lake Dam, Rayfield Lake Dam, Roberts Lake Dam, Rocky Fork Creek Dam, Roddy Lake Dam, Roemers Lake Dam, Salmons Lake Dam, Sapp Lake Dam, Schnarre Lake Section 23 Dam, Schnarre Section 24 Dam, Scott Lake Dam, Seltsam Lake Dam, Shady Lake Dam, Silver Creek Lake Dam, Smarr Lake Dam, Smith Hatchery Lake Dam, Smith Lake Dam, Smith Lake Section 1 Dam, Stephens Lake Dam, Tincher Lake North Dam, Tincher Lake South Dam, Tri-City Community Lake Dam, Turkey Farm Lake Dam, University of Missouri R1 Dam, Upper Lake Chapperal Dam, Wabash Lake Dam, Walnut Crest Lake Dam, Wasley Lake Dam, Waters Edge Estates Lake Dam, Wayland Lake Dam, Weil Lake Dam, Welch Lake Dam, Windmiller Dam Number 1, Windmiller Dam Number 2, Woodbine Lake Dam

  Hospitals     show all on map

Boone Hospital Center, Columbia Regional Hospital, Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital, Heart of Missouri Mental Health Center, Rusk Rehabilitation Center, University of Missouri Hospital and Clinic

  Lakes     show all on map

Brushwood Lake, Corns Lake, Moores Lake

  Locales     show all on map

Biscayne Mall, Broadway Center, Bush, Camp Takimina, Columbia Country Club, Columbia Mall, Columbia Plaza, Crossroads West, Dripping Spring, Eastgate Plaza, Eureka (historical), Forum Shopping Center, Gallups Mill (historical), Lake of the Woods Recreation Area, Limerick (historical), North County Shopping Center, Parkade Plaza, Ramseys Bluff (historical), Rock Bridge Shopping Center, Sanborn Field and Soil Erosion Plots, Smackout (historical), Turner Station, University of Missouri Environmental Health, Whitegate Shopping Center, Woodhaven Childrens Home

  Parks     show all on map

Charles W Green State Wildlife Management Area, Cosmo Park, Finger Lakes State Park, Kiwanis Park, Memorial Stadium, Nickell Park, Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, Rocky Fork Lakes Conservation Area, Stephens Park, University of Missouri Ashland Wildlife Research Area

  Populated Places     show all on map

Ammon (historical), Ashland, Boonesborough (historical), Bourbon, Browns, Butler, Centralia, Claysville, Columbia, Deer Park, Easley, Elkhurst, Englewood, Eureka (historical), Everett (historical), Germantown (historical), Ginlet, Hallsville, Harg, Harrisburg, Hartsburg, Hinton, Huntsdale, Lebanon (historical), Lexington (historical), McBaine, Middleton, Midway, Minnie, Moores Switch, Murry, Nashville (historical), Oldham, Perche (historical), Persia (historical), Petersburg (historical), Pierpont, Points (historical), Prathersville, Providence, Riggs, Rileysburg, Rocheport, Rucker, Sapp, Shaw, Smithton (historical), Stapletown (historical), Stephens, Stephens' Station (historical), Stonesport (historical), Sturgeon, Summerville (historical), Switzler, Terrapin Neck, Thralls Prairie (historical), Turner, Wilhite (historical), Wilton, Woodlandville

  Post Offices     show all on map

Perche Post Office (historical)

  Reservoirs     show all on map

Aaron Lake, Andy Lake, Ashland Lake, Bass Lake, Baumgarner Brothers Lake, Bo Co Mo Lake, Cedar Lake, Cedar Lake, Charles Hood Lake, Coats Lake, Curry Lake, David Baliey Lake, Demarco Lake, Eugene Windmiller Lake, Fairview Lake, Ginn Lake, Hagan Lake, Herny Lake, Hulen Lake, Hunt Lake, Lake Caroline, Lake Champetra, Lake Lavista, Landhuis Lake, Little Leech Lake, Lower Municipal Golf Course Lake, Memar Lake, Monte Gurwit Lake, Number 153 Reservoir, Perry Phillips Lake, Peterson Lake, Schnarre Lake, Scott Lake, Shady Lake, Silver Creek Lake, Smith Hatchery Lake, Smith Lake, Smith Lake, Stephens Lake, Tincher Lake North, Tincher Lake South, Tri-City Lake, Troy Newman Lake 1, Upper Lake Chapperal, Wabash Lake, Waters Edge Estates Lake

  Ridges     show all on map

Devils Backbone

  Schools     show all on map

Acton School (historical), Alpha Hart Lewis Elementary School, Angell School (historical), Ann Hawkins Gentry Middle School, Arnett School (historical), Arnold School (historical), Barnes School (historical), Barnes School (historical), Barnett School (historical), Bethel School (historical), Bethlehem School (historical), Blue Ridge Elementary School, Browns School (historical), Burnett School (historical), Bush School (historical), Callahan School (historical), Carlisle School (historical), Carter School (historical), Cedar Ridge Elementary School, Centralia High School, Centralia Intermediate School, Chance Elementary School, Chester Boren Middle School, Christian School (historical), Claysville School (historical), College Park Christian Academy, Columbia Area Career Center, Columbia College, Conley School (historical), Crenshaw School (historical), Cummings School (historical), Cunningham School (historical), David H. Hickman High School, Deer Park School (historical), Derby Ridge Elementary School, Dinwiddie School (historical), Dunbar School (historical), Ellis School (historical), Englewood School (historical), Eugene Field Elementary School, Everett School (historical), Fairview Elementary School, Far West School (historical), Faucett School (historical), Flint School (historical), Frederick Douglass High School, Gillaspy School (historical), Givens School, Grand View School (historical), Grassland School (historical), Grindstone School (historical), Hallsville High School, Hallsville Intermediate School, Hallsville Middle School, Hallsville Primary School, Harrisburg Elementary School, Harrisburg High School, Harrisburg Middle School, Hayden School, Hickory Grove School (historical), Huntsdale School (historical), Jacobs School (historical), Jefferson Junior High School, Joe Wren School (historical), John B Lange Middle School, John C Ridgeway Elementary School, Jones School (historical), Judy School (historical), Keene School (historical), Lakeview School (historical), Lathrope School (historical), Linden School (historical), Martin School, Mary Paxton Keeley Elementary School, McBaine School (historical), McGuire School (historical), Middletown School (historical), Midway Heights Elementary School, Mill Creek Elementary School, Murry School (historical), Nashville School (historical), New Haven Elementary School, O'Rear School (historical), Oak Grove School (historical), Oak Grove School (historical), Oakland Junior High School, Oakland School (historical), Our Lady of Lourdes School, Owen School (historical), Parkade Elementary School, Pauley School (historical), Potts School (historical), Powell School, Prospect School (historical), Providence School (historical), Richland School (historical), Robert E. Lee Elementary School, Roberts School (historical), Robnett School (historical), Rock Bridge Elementary School, Rock Bridge High School, Russell Boulevard Elementary School, Searcy School (historical), Shepard Boulevard Elementary School, Smithton Middle School, Southern Boone Elementary School, Southern Boone High School, Southern Boone Middle School, Southern Boone Primary School, Star School (historical), Stephens College, Strawn School (historical), Sturgeon Elementary School, Sturgeon High School, Sturgeon Middle School, Sycamore School (historical), Thomas Hart Benton Elementary School, Tucker School (historical), Turner School (historical), Turner School (historical), Turner School (historical), Two Mile Prairie Elementary School, Ulysses S. Grant Elementary School, Union School (historical), University of Missouri, Valley Spring School (historical), Varnon School (historical), Vawter School (historical), Via School (historical), Wade School (historical), Wallace School (historical), Walnut Grove School (historical), Warren School (historical), West Boulevard Elementary School, West Junior High School, White Oak School, White School (historical), William Wren School (historical), Wilton School (historical), Winn School (historical), Woods School (historical), Zaring School (historical)

  Springs     show all on map

Gum Spring, Rollins Spring

  Streams     show all on map

Barclay Branch, Bass Creek, Bear Creek, Bell Branch, Big Branch, Black Branch, Blaze Creek, Bone Branch, Bonne Femme Creek, Brushy Creek, Callahan Creek, Cave Creek, Clays Fork, Clear Creek, Conner Creek, Coon Creek, County House Branch, Cow Branch, Dead Creek (historical), Flat Branch, Foster Branch, Fowler Creek, Fox Hollow Branch, Gans Creek, Glascock Branch, Goodin Branch, Goose Creek, Grider Branch, Grindstone Branch, Grindstone Creek, Grocery Branch, Harmony Creek, Hart Creek, Henderson Branch, Hinkson Creek, Hominy Branch, Jemerson Creek, Johnson Branch, Kelley Branch, Kile Creek, Lick Fork, Little Bonne Femme Creek, Little Cedar Creek, Little Creek, Littles Branch, Mayhan Branch, McGill Branch, Merideth Branch, Middle Branch, Midway Branch, Mill Creek, Morton Branch, Nelson Creek, Nichols Branch, Nichols Creek, North Fork Grindstone Creek, North Fork Turkey Creek, Perche Creek, Reeder Creek, Rocky Fork Creek, Scotts Branch, Silver Fork, Sinking Creek, Slacks Branch, Slate Creek, Smith Branch, South Fork Grindstone Creek, South Fork Turkey Creek, Stump Creek, Sugar Branch, Sugar Creek, Terrapin Creek, Thompson Branch, Toneys Branch, Turkey Creek, Varnon Branch, Winterbows Branch

  Summits     show all on map

The Pinnacles

  Towers     show all on map

KARO-FM (Columbia), KBIA-FM (Columbia), KCMQ-FM (Columbia), KCOU-FM (Columbia), KFMZ-FM (Columbia), KFRU-AM (Columbia), KMFC-FM (Centralia), KOMU-TV (Columbia), KOPN-FM (Columbia), KTGR-AM (Columbia), KWWC-FM (Columbia)

  Trails     show all on map

Cedar Creek Hiking Trail,

Boone County, Missouri Population By Race (2012 estimate)

WhiteBoone County White population 140,385140,385  
BlackBoone County Black population 15,84215,841
AsianBoone County Asian population 6,9106,909
MixedBoone County Mixed population 4,5504,550
American IndianBoone County American Indian population 843842
Hawaiian & Pacific IslanderBoone County Hawaiian & Pacific Islander population 169168

Additional population tables :
State population table
Missouri population by county