The graph below ranks each New York County by percentage of American Indian residents according to the 2012 census estimates.

New York percentage of American Indian population by county

CountyAmerican Indian Percentage of Total Population
FranklinFranklin County percentage of American Indian population - 7.58  
CattaraugusCattaraugus County percentage of American Indian population - 3.23
BronxBronx County percentage of American Indian population - 3.03
QueensQueens County percentage of American Indian population - 1.31
GeneseeGenesee County percentage of American Indian population - 1.21
New YorkNew York County percentage of American Indian population - 1.21
St. LawrenceSt. Lawrence County percentage of American Indian population - 1.11
NiagaraNiagara County percentage of American Indian population - 1.11
KingsKings County percentage of American Indian population - 1.01
OnondagaOnondaga County percentage of American Indian population - 0.91
WestchesterWestchester County percentage of American Indian population - 0.81
OrangeOrange County percentage of American Indian population - 0.81
OrleansOrleans County percentage of American Indian population - 0.71
ErieErie County percentage of American Indian population - 0.71
MadisonMadison County percentage of American Indian population - 0.71
SullivanSullivan County percentage of American Indian population - 0.71
JeffersonJefferson County percentage of American Indian population - 0.61
SuffolkSuffolk County percentage of American Indian population - 0.61
SchenectadySchenectady County percentage of American Indian population - 0.61
RichmondRichmond County percentage of American Indian population - 0.61
ChautauquaChautauqua County percentage of American Indian population - 0.61
MontgomeryMontgomery County percentage of American Indian population - 0.51
RocklandRockland County percentage of American Indian population - 0.51
EssexEssex County percentage of American Indian population - 0.51
OswegoOswego County percentage of American Indian population - 0.51
NassauNassau County percentage of American Indian population - 0.51
CayugaCayuga County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
WyomingWyoming County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
WayneWayne County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
ChenangoChenango County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
MonroeMonroe County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
DutchessDutchess County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
SenecaSeneca County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
TompkinsTompkins County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
UlsterUlster County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
ClintonClinton County percentage of American Indian population - 0.40
WashingtonWashington County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
SteubenSteuben County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
RensselaerRensselaer County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
SchuylerSchuyler County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
PutnamPutnam County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
AlleganyAllegany County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
ChemungChemung County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
CortlandCortland County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
DelawareDelaware County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
AlbanyAlbany County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
GreeneGreene County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
HamiltonHamilton County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
HerkimerHerkimer County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
OntarioOntario County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
OneidaOneida County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
SchoharieSchoharie County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
LivingstonLivingston County percentage of American Indian population - 0.30
SaratogaSaratoga County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
OtsegoOtsego County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
BroomeBroome County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
ColumbiaColumbia County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
WarrenWarren County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
FultonFulton County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
LewisLewis County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
TiogaTioga County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20
YatesYates County percentage of American Indian population - 0.20

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New York population comparison tables
Total:  Total
Total Percentage
Total Percentage
Total Percentage
American Indian:
Total Percentage
Hawaiian & Pacific Islander:
Total Percentage
Mixed Race:
Total Percentage

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